Discover our Civic Link and help transform the heart of Parramatta! Zoom in on Civic Link Block-3 (known as Horwood Place) and have your say on the developed design for the grand boulevard connecting Parramatta Square to Parramatta River. Submissions are welcome until 5pm on Monday 17 March 2025!
Have your say on plans to deliver lighting and security cameras (CCTV) and other streetscape improvements at Waratah Shopping Centre in Telopea. This consultation is open until 5pm on Monday 17 March 2025.
Unlocking the foreshore for all to enjoy! In mid-late 2024, Council publicly exhibited proposed upgrades at Silverwater Park (Stage One). We are now exhibiting a proposal for Stage Two. Have your say by 5pm on Tuesday 18 March 2025.
The submission period for the Parramatta North urban renewal initiative is now closed. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback. For more information, please visit the NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure.
From Monday 17 February until 5pm on Monday 3 March 2025, the City of Parramatta publicly exhibited Draft Terms of Reference for nine Advisory Panels and four Sub-Committees.
The City of Parramatta has secured funding from the NSW Government to create a 40km/h High Pedestrian Activity Area (HPAA) in Granville, north of the railway line.
Council is commencing a comprehensive review of the management of heritage within the City of Parramatta, and you can have your say! Stage one consultation closes at 5pm on Monday 3 March 2025.
Stage one consultation on the Epping Town Centre Master Plan closed at 5pm on Wednesday 18 December 2024. Stay tuned for a more detailed round of community consultation early in 2025!
Council invited community feedback on the proposed names for an unnamed laneway in Carlingford (behind Kingsdene Shops). Feedback closed at 5pm on Wednesday 18 December 2024.
Council invited community feedback on proposed options for a name to be used on an unnamed cul-de-sac in North Parramatta. Feedback closed at 5pm on Monday 9 December 2024.
Council is upgrading Shannons Paddock playground and is excited to share the unique heritage-inspired design with the community. Public exhibition closed at 5pm on Tuesday 22 October 2024
Exciting new play equipment and upgrades coming to WR Musto playground in Parramatta. Stage one consultation concluded at 5pm on Tuesday 8 October 2024.
Exciting new play equipment and upgrades coming to Kim Rutherford Reserve Playground in Epping. Stage one consultation concluded at 5pm on Tuesday 8 October 2024.
The submission period for the draft Site-specific Development Control Plan and Planning Agreement for Granville (171 & 173, 181-185, 187 Parramatta Road, and 58, 60 & 64 Victoria Street) closed at 5pm on Friday, 24 January 2025. Learn more here.
Help us plan by sharing your priorities and aspirations for the City of Parramatta. Stage one consultation closed at 5pm on Monday 16 December 2024. Keep an eye out in 2025 for the public exhibition.
City of Parramatta Council is reviewing flood modelling around Haslams Creek. Community consultation closed at 5pm on Wednesday 11 December 2024. Click here to find out more.
View plans for a proposed roundabout at the intersection of Fitzwilliam Road and Tucks Road, Toongabbie. Submissions closed at 5pm on Tuesday 13 August 2024.
Learn about a proposed roundabout at the intersection of North Rocks Road and Loyalty Road in North Rocks. Submissions closed at 5pm on Tuesday 13 August 2024.
Thank you for your interest in the Carlingford Parklands project. The consultation period closed 5pm on Monday 4 November 2024, and we appreciate everyone’s valuable feedback. Follow the project for updates
What makes you feel safe in Parramatta? When it comes to crime and safety, everyone’s experience matters! In mid-2024 we consulted you on the draft Crime Prevention Plan. Learn more here.
In mid-2024, Council invited feedback on the updated draft Debt Sportsground Allocation Policy. Submissions were welcomed until 5pm on Monday 27 May 2024.
Council is amending the City Centre Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan for rezoned properties in the Church Street North Precinct. Click through to find out more.
Council is proposing to build a pedestrian and cyclist paths connecting the Wilderline (T6) to the M4 Shared Path (Duck river North) and Duck River South (Cumberland LGA)! This exhibition closed at 5pm on Tuesday 7 May 2024.
Council is proposing to build a pedestrian and cyclist bridge at Bennelong Parkway to help you get around! This exhibition closed at 5pm on Tuesday 7 May 2024
Council is investigating opportunities to deliver a walking and cycling route from Toongabbie to Westmead! This exhibition closed at 5pm on Tuesday 7 May 2024
In late 2023, Council invited feedback on the Draft Hoarding Policy and Draft Tower Crane Policy. Submissions were welcomed until 5pm on Monday 27 November 2023.
Each year we ask our community how satisfied they are with Council’s performance and services. The 2024 survey closed on Sunday 1 December. Stay tuned for the results!
In late 2023, Council asked you to have your say on proposed changes to the City of Parramatta ward boundaries. Submissions were welcomed until 5pm on Tuesday 10 October.
Join us in advocating for a vibrant future, using data and technology to tackle complex challenges and seize opportunities, together. Thank you for having your say by 5pm on Monday 16 October 2023.
Building an equitable Parramatta starts with you. See how you can help create a safer city, empowering our community to have a great quality of life. Submissions were welcome until 5pm on Monday 16 October 2023.
Discover our Economic Development Strategy’s five priority areas, ensuring people and businesses continue to thrive well into the future. Thank you for having your say by 5pm on Monday 16 October 2023.
A revised plan for the Wigram Street Cycleway Conversion was publicly exhibited in mid-2023. This consultation closed at 5pm on Tuesday 29 August 2023.
In late 2023, Council sought feedback on a draft Flood Study as well as information on resident flood experience(s). The feedback period closed at 5pm on Monday 30 October 2023.
Council is looking to upgrade the streetscape and traffic arrangements at Wentworth Street and Woodhouse Lane in the Parramatta CBD. Stage one feedback closed at 5pm on Friday 28 July 2023.
Consultation closed 5pm on Friday 24 June 2022. Thank you for telling us how you want to experience a smart city and going in the draw to win a $100 voucher.
Over two stages of engagement, Council worked with the local community to develop a concept plan for an upgraded playground at Ken Newman Park in Ermington.
Junction Street Plaza construction is progressing well. The area under the M4 is being transformed into urban park where you can hang out with friends and have fun! Click through and learn more about our plans.
In mid-2024, City of Parramatta publicly exhibited an updated Somerville Park Draft Concept Plan. Submissions were welcome until 5pm on Monday 19 August 2024.
The playground concept plan has been approved by the Council. The construction of the playground is scheduled to occur from early November 2024 to January/February 2025. Find out more.
The public exhibition period for the Draft Removal of Printed Promotional Materials Policy concluded at 5pm on Wednesday 1 February 2023. Learn more here.
Council invited community feedback on two proposed name options for an unnamed Community Centre in the Carter Street Precinct. Feedback closed at 5pm on Tuesday 11 February 2025.
Planning Proposal and draft Development Control Plan (DCP) for the North-East Planning Investigation Area (Parramatta). Submissions closed at 5pm on Thursday 19 December 2024.
The North Granville Master Plan will deliver a precinct that offers welcoming places to gather and meet, as well as active and passive recreation opportunities.
Community consultation on the proposed ‘No Right Turn’ between 7am - 9am and 3pm - 6pm Monday to Friday in Farnell Avenue at North Rocks Road, Carlingford is now closed.
The Parramatta City Centre Development Control Plan is a component of the review of the Parramatta CBD Planning Framework. Learn more about the recent exhibition here.
Learn more about draft Guidelines for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure on Council Land which provides conditions for Electric Vehicle charging infrastructure.
Throughout mid-late 2023, the City of Parramatta hosted five ward-based community workshops to learn more about our local neighborhoods. Follow the project and learn more about what we heard here.
The Parramatta Development Control Plan 2023 (Parramatta DCP 2023) came into effect on 18 September 2023. To access the Parramatta DCP 2023, head to Council’s Development Control Plans webpage.
Sydney Water and the City of Parramatta are working together on this project and looking at ways to improve water quality. Public exhibition closed at 5pm on 15 Aug 2022.
Thank you for having your say on the draft concept plan for a new amenities building and viewing platform at Max Ruddock Reserve in Winston Hills. Submissions closed at 5pm on Wednesday 20 December 2023.
Council is actively working with the Wentworth Point community to build a vision, set objectives and determine achievable action items for the suburb. Learn more today!
The proposed Dunlop Street pedestrian and cyclist paths will result in a higher quality, safer, pedestrian and cyclist experience. Learn more about the project here.
The City of Parramatta is upgrading the Bartlett Street Centre and Thomas Wemyss Park, Ermington as part of Council’s long-running Better Neighbourhood Program (BNP).
City of Parramatta is working towards the creation of an Art Plan for North Granville which forms part of the Parramatta Road Urban Amenity Improvement Program.
Council is conducting a flood study of the A’Becketts Creek catchment area in Granville, Harris Park & Rosehill. Submissions closed at 5pm on 30 September 2022.
Council recently exhibited a Planning Proposal, Draft Development Control Plan (DCP) and Draft Planning Agreement for 8-14 Great Western Highway, Parramatta.
Thank you for having your say on the proposed conversion of one-hour parking in Parramatta CBD to 30-minutes. Submissions closed at 5pm on Tuesday 18 October 2022.
Council recently exhibited a Planning Proposal, Draft Development Control Plan and Draft Planning Agreement for 23-25 Windsor Road, Northmead. Learn more here.
Learn more about the Draft Site-Specific Planning Proposal, Draft Site-Specific Development Control Plan and Draft Planning Agreement for St John's Anglican Church site.
Planning Proposal, Draft Development Control Plan and Draft Planning Agreement for 135 George Street and 118 Harris Street, Parramatta (Albion Hotel site)
Construction of a pedestrian and cyclist bridge over the Parramatta River connecting Alfred Street in Rosehill to the northern bank of the river is complete.
Public exhibition of the draft Delivery Program 2022-2026 & Operational Plan 2024/25 closed at 5pm on Wednesday 22 May 2024. The City of Parramatta adopted the Delivery Program and Operational Plan for 2022-2026 at the Monday 24 June 2024 Council Meeting.
The Affordable Rental Housing Policy was adopted by the City of Parramatta at the 8 July 2024 Council Meeting. Thank you to everyone that participated in the earlier public exhibition.
Discover our Civic Link and help transform the heart of Parramatta! At its meeting on Monday 27 May 2024 City of Parramatta Council resolved to approve the refined concept design for progression to detailed design.
The boundary amendment proposal between Harris Park and Parramatta Boundary Amendment was considered by the Geographical Names Board at its meeting held on 12 November 2024. The Board resolved to reject the proposal to amend the boundary between Harris Park and Parramatta.
In late 2023, Council invited feedback on the new draft Land Dedication Policy. Submissions were welcomed until 5pm on Monday 11 December 2023. At the 25 March 2024 Council Meeting, the Land Dedication Policy was adopted.
Thank you for providing your feedback to update the play equipment in this well-loved playground in Winston Hills. Submissions closed on Monday 10 June 2024.
The updated draft Parramatta Bike Plan has ben endorsed. It supports the City of Parramatta’s vision to be Sydney’s Central City - sustainable, liveable, and productive. Public exhibition closed at 5pm on Thursday 31 August 2023.
In early 2021, Council consulted the community around proposed names for two existing lanes located off Wentworth Avenue, opposite Toongabbie Train Station.
Following the completion of the amenities building, Council is looking to improve the connection between Yates Avenue Shops with Dundas Park in Dundas Valley.
The NSW Government is working to improve infrastructure and facilities in Western Sydney. WestInvest is a key part of how those improvements will be delivered!
Thank you for having your say on a draft design for a community garden in Sherwin Park, North Parramatta. Submissions closed at 5pm on Friday 30 September 2022.
Stamford Avenue Shops is a small local centre comprising four shops at the corner of Stamford Avenue and Fremont Avenue, Ermington. Find out more about what is proposed!
In late 2022, the NSW Government invited the community to have their say on the Sydney Metro West project. Public exhibition period concluded Tuesday 13 December 2022.
In late 2020, City of Parramatta completed extensive upgrades of the Chisholm Centre in Winston Hills. We are now looking to add an amenities block - learn more here!
Thank you for your submission on the naming of Plympton Road Bushland Reserve West. The public exhibition period closed at 5pm on Monday 28 November 2022.
In early April 2024, the City of Parramatta began work on the construction of the new playground
and associated landscaping around the new sporting pavilion at Peggy Womersley Reserve, Carlingford.
From Monday 22 January to Tuesday 20 February 2024 Council publicly exhibited the Development Application for Epping Aquatic Centre. Please refer to the Epping Pool page.
100 commuter car parking spaces are being added to Junction Road, Winston Hills in a joint partnership between The Hills Shire, Transport for NSW and City of Parramatta.
Thank you for your feedback to help bring Dixon Park Escarpment lookout to life and create a unique lookout experience over the Parramatta River just minutes from the CBD. Construction is now complete!
Construction is now complete! To view the completed works, click through the gallery of images in the project page. Thank you again for your interest and participation.
Learn more about the Late Night Trading Development Control Plan that will guide the night time economy to grow and diversify, and ensure good venue practice to promote a safe night time economy.
The Draft Development Control Plan for the Telopea Precinct provides further guidance on future development. Public exhibition closed 5pm Thursday 17 June 2021.
The City of Parramatta has now completed stage one and stage two improvement works at Don Moore Reserve in North Rocks. Follow this page to stay updated.
In late 2020, Council conducted extensive community engagement around a number of names proposed for the roads and open spaces of the Melrose Park Precinct.
The purpose of the supported proposal is to increase the number of unrestricted car parking spaces near Wentworthville Railway Station. Learn more here.
Council recently sought feedback on a proposal to install ‘6P 7pm - 7am Mon-Fri’ restrictions to up to 76 parking spaces on the western side of Cambridge Street, Epping.
City of Parramatta Council is committed to improving accessibility throughout our community. An option for verbal submissions ensures greater access for more people. To submit your feedback as an aud...
On Tuesday 14 June 2022, Council endorsed the most popular choice, Harmon Lane, for the unnamed laneway that runs from A'Beckett Street to Alfred Street.
In 2014 a vision was launched - that by 2025 millions of people who live and work within 20 minutes of the Parramatta River would be able to swim in it.
Endorsed! During October and November in 2019, we sought your feedback to help us prioritise our actions to reflect our community’s aspirations for our night time city!
Over two stages of engagement, Council sought feedback from the community on a fun new play space at Orchard Road Reserve (Carlingford Oval) Playground in Beecroft!
Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the proposed parking scheme. As a result of community consultation, the proposed parking scheme will not be proceeding.
The vision for the city is to build-on and celebrate its unique identity, to provide homes, jobs and transport to support an inclusive, vibrant and welcoming lifestyle
Over two stages of community engagement, Council worked with the local community to deliver a concept plan for a fun new play space at Jenkins Street Reserve in Dundas!
City of Parramatta Council upgraded the Gallery Gardens playground, picnic facilities and tennis courts after comprehensive consultation with the community!
Thank you to everyone who contributed over the two stage stages of community consultation to inform the upgrade for this local centre. The upgrades are complete.
The draft Community Infrastructure Strategy (CIS) helps us to identify and plan for the current and future infrastructure needs of the City of Parramatta.
Construction has now been completed on the upgrade to Doyle Ground Playground in North Parramatta. Learn more about the project and the feedback we received here!
Parramatta Quay / Charles Street Square is the place where people travelling along the Parramatta River arrive at our city. Learn more about this exciting project!
Check out the names that have been endorsed for three streets and a park in the northernmost part of the Carter Street Precinct. Thank you to everyone that had their say.
Thank you to everyone who have provided feedback over the last 9 months! Explore the draft concept plan for the stage 1 upgrades and stay up to date with this project.
The Master Plan for Belmore Park in North Parramatta was adopted by Council at its meeting held on Monday 22 March 2021. Geotechnical and heritage investigations scheduled to begin February 2025. Click here to learn more!
A framework for how government, businesses and industry partners can work together to improve visitor experiences and grow tourism across the Parramatta area.
A Draft Planning Proposal, Draft Development Control Plan and Draft Planning Agreement for 85-91 Thomas St, Parramatta was publicly exhibited in late 2021. Learn more!
As a result of the feedback, Council will not be proceeding with the installation of angle parking spaces in Short Street and Water Street, Wentworthville.
Bungaree Road Shops in Toongabbie are a convenient and much loved local centre and we are looking for ways to improve the look, feel and function of the area.
Council recently exhibited the Planning Proposal for land at 64 Victoria Road, North Parramatta. Exhibition concluded at 5pm on Wednesday 11 August 2021.
The NSW DPE is now exhibiting the translation of existing Business and Industrial zones into new Employment zones. Exhibition closed at 5pm on Tuesday 12 July 2022.
As food waste makes up almost half of the material in our general waste bin, Council wanted to hear your thoughts on a FOGO Collection Service! Learn more here.
The Review of Environmental Factors has now been approved under Part 5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. Learn more about this project here!
Council invited community feedback in late 2021 and early 2022 regarding the operation and management of tennis courts at Dunrossil Park and George Kendall Reserve.
In early 2023, Council installed new lighting along the shared pathway on the northern side of the Parramatta River foreshore, between O’Connell Street & Marsden Street.
Located on the northern side of Granville Station, upgrades to Good Street and Bridge Street now offer residents, workers and visitors improved public spaces and amenity.
Council wants everyone in our community to benefit from our City’s growth and prosperity, and this is why Council created the Socially Sustainable Framework.
The adopted Hill Road Master Plan aims to increase pedestrian and vehicular safety, create a greener more shaded roadway, manage flooding and address drainage concerns.
The proposed bridges, shared path and cycleway will connect the Carter Street Precinct community to the Haslams Creek paths to the river and M4 shared path to the CBD.
The T-Way cycleway is a 30km off-road path from Windsor to Parramatta. The four on-road sections which remain are all located within the City of Parramatta.
Parramatta's growth and transformation requires a strategic approach to addressing parking needs. The Parramatta CBD Parking Strategy was endorsed in April 2022.
In 2021, City of Parramatta Council sought community feedback on the shortlisted names for the City’s new community, cultural, and civic heart in Parramatta Square.