The North-East PIA is located on the north-eastern fringe of the Parramatta CBD. The properties within the North-East PIA are shown on the map within the blue highlighted zone. There are 25 land parcels within the North-East PIA.
Council undertook a review of the planning controls in the Parramatta CBD as part of the Parramatta CBD Planning Framework Review that began in 2015. This Council led project included a review not only of the existing Parramatta CBD, but also fringe areas known as ‘Planning Investigation Areas’ (PIAs). A draft NEPIA Planning Strategy was consulted with the community in 2021 that proposed ideas for how the area could redevelop in the future.
As Council’s priority was to finalise the new planning controls for the Parramatta CBD, further work on the NEPIA was paused to commit resources to other elements of the CBD Review which was completed in December 2022.
Council in November 2023 committed to recommencing the NEPIA planning controls which has resulted in this exhibition.
Shortly after in December 2023, as part of a separate planning process, the State Government announced new planning controls to come into effect in July 2024 along the light rail corridor on Church Street via the State Environmental Planning Policy (Church Street North) 2023. The State Government’s changes allow residential development up to 29 storeys high creating up to 1800 new dwellings.
In May 2024 Council endorsed the Planning Proposal and draft DCP controls (the subject of this exhibition) which considers,
• the previous community feedback received to the NEPIA Planning Strategy;
• the anticipated development along the Parramatta Light Rail Corridor from the Church Street North SEPP;
• and the heritage character of the surrounding area.
For more information on what is a Planning Proposal see the FAQ below.
Click on the links to view the-Planning Proposal and the-Planning Information Sheet.
When preparing a new planning framework for any precinct or neighbourhood, Council often consults with the community at key stages to help guide the process and new planning controls.
Council consulted with the community on a planning strategy for the NEPIA between March and April 2021. The North-East Planning Investigation Area Planning Strategy presented options for how the area could develop in the future, please see previous exhibited documents on the NEPIA Planning Strategy below. The key themes raised by the community in the previous consultation related to heritage impacts, scale and density, infrastructure pressures, traffic and parking, local character, and overshadowing.
The previous community feedback was considered when preparing the proposed planning controls currently on exhibition. A Community Engagement Report that summarises the previous feedback and a response from Council staff is available here and was included in the report to Council on the draft NEPIA controls on Monday, 27 May 2024.
The NEPIA is located between two different built environments. The size and scale (i.e. the height and width of buildings) and local character (i.e. design features and qualities) of development anticipated along Church Street (to the west of NEPIA) varies to the low-scale heritage character of the land within the Sorrell Street Heritage Conservation Area (HCA) (to the east of NEPIA) which Council expects to be retained– see Figure 1 on this page.
The unique and differing development contexts surrounding NEPIA were considered by Council when preparing the draft NEPIA Planning Proposal and draft DCP. The controls were prepared to allow for a suitable transition in height and density between the Church Street North Precinct and the Sorrell Street Heritage Conservation Area.
A Consolidated Urban Design Report has been prepared to support the NEPIA Planning Proposal and draft DCP controls. The Urban Design Report demonstrates that the proposed controls for the NEPIA deliver the following outcomes:
- An appropriate height transition from the taller buildings anticipated along Church Street to the low-scale development within the Sorrell Street HCA.
- Minimise visual impacts from new development to the HCA by:
- having more open space at the ground level,
- orientating the short edge of buildings to the HCA to maximise the separation between buildings and views to the sky, and
- accommodating for more landscaping and tree planting.
All the above help provide a more appropriate setting for heritage items.
- A suitable response to the topography of the NEPIA.
- Minimise shadow to surrounding development.
The NEPIA - Response to Gateway Determination Ref: PP-2024-1160 for the NEPIA discusses the above planning considerations and outcomes in more detail and is provided as part of the exhibition material.
Specific design controls are proposed in the draft DCP to support the transition in development scale from the concentrated height on Church Street to the mid-rise development scale of Sorrell Street. These controls include:
• Minimum distances (i.e. separation requirements) between the residential towers to allow views to the sky when looking west from the Sorrell Street HCA; and to promote sunlight between new developments.
• Specific setback requirements to ensure heritage buildings remain the focus of the area and set the character of the street.
• Managing how new development transitions to the Sorrell Street Heritage Conservation Area
The draft DCP controls proposed by Council for the NEPIA responds to the State Government’s design principle for Church Street of transitioning building heights downwards towards the Heritage Conservation Areas to preserve view corridors and retain appropriate spatial relationships between future development and heritage items. Further information on the State Government’s design principles and the relevant studies related to the Church Street North SEPP can be found here under ‘Finalisation Document’.
The urban design principles which informed the CSN SEPP also informed the urban design principles and direction for the NEPIA. This provided for a holistic approach for the Parramatta North area and allowed for the NEPIA to create an effective transition to the Church Street Spine.
Provisions proposed in the DCP include controls for spaces between towers to enable views to the sky. These controls have been drafted alongside controls for the CSN Precinct to allow for minimal impacts to adjoining areas and maximise solar access. The Solar diagrams also demonstrate that any additional overshadowing caused by the proposed tower forms in the NEPIA generally do not extend beyond those caused by the CSN Precinct. The sun access diagrams can be viewed in the Consolidated Urban Design Report.
In December 2023, the State Government exhibited the Explanation of Intended Effect: Changes to create low-and mid-rise housing (proposed reforms). The proposed reforms proposed to expand where dual occupancies, townhouses, manor house, and mid-scale apartment buildings could be permitted to encourage more low- and mid-rise housing options for NSW. These types of housing are proposed on land near transport stations and town centres. More details on the State Government’s proposed reforms can be found here.
NEPIA is located close to a Parramatta Light Rail station which means the proposed reforms may apply to the NEPIA if they get finalised by the State Government. Under the proposed reforms, NEPIA would have a 21m height (7 storeys) and 3:1 FSR which varies from the Council proposed controls that have a range of 24m (6 storeys) and 40m (12 storeys), and 2:1 and 3.6:1 FSR.
The reason why the State Government’s 21m height control has more storeys than Council’s 24m height control is because lower floor to ceiling heights need to be used to ‘fit’ the development floorspace allowed under the proposed reforms’ FSR of 3:1. Under Council’s proposed planning controls, greater floor to ceiling heights have been used to deliver improved amenity for residents.
How do the Low- and Mid-Rise Housing Reforms compare to Council’s proposed controls?
Council has modelled the potential development outcomes for sites within the NEPIA if the Council controls were applied, and if the State Government controls were applied with Figure 4 and Figure 5 showing the difference between the development outcomes. As the State Government proposed controls do not include minimum site area controls, Council’s minimum site area has been applied to both scenarios to enable a comparison.
Figure 4 – Comparison of development outcomes
Building height |
Street setback |
Deep soil (% of site area) |
Existing Tree Loss (% lost) |
Additional tree potential (no. trees) |
Maximum building depth
Council’s planning controls in Planning Proposal and draft DCP |
2:1-3.6:1 |
24m – 40m |
6m |
30% |
26% |
199 |
22m |
State Government proposed housing reforms |
3:1 |
21m |
3m |
7% |
68 |
50 |
37m |
Figure 5 – Comparison of Council proposed controls and outcomes
The State Government’s proposed reforms apply a ‘one-size-fits all’ approach with the same height and built form controls applying to all areas impacted by the proposed reforms (i.e. land surrounding transport stations and town centres in the Greater Sydney Region). Council’s proposed controls provide area specific planning controls to deliver buildings that consider the unique conditions of the NEPIA and its proximity to the Sorrell Street Heritage Conservation Area compared to the ‘one-size-fits all’ approach of the proposed reforms that apply the same height and built form controls to all areas impacted by the proposed reforms. The differences between the development outcomes are shown below:
Council proposed controls in the NEPIA Planning Proposal and draft DCP
Figure 6 – Potential development outcome to result from Council’s proposed planning controls
State Government proposed Low- and Mid-Rise Housing Reforms
Figure 7 – Potential development outcome to result from the State Government’s proposed reforms
The key differences between the Council proposed planning controls and the State Government’s proposed reforms are the result of:
- Different building setbacks (i.e. minimum distances required between the site boundary and buildings).
- Council’s proposed controls are focused on implementing greater setbacks to the Sorrell Street Heritage Conservation Area to the east of NEPIA to maintain heritage values and to allow for the retention and addition of canopy trees.
- The State Government’s proposed controls do not propose minimum setbacks.
Different building height requirements.
- Council’s proposed controls propose a height range of 24m to 40m (12 storeys) to allow the development floorspace allowed under the 2:1-3.6:1 FSR to be delivered ‘upwards’ in the building which means there are greater separation between buildings, more landscaping, sunlight, and privacy.
- The State Government’s proposed controls have a height of 21m which results in the development floorspace allowed under the proposed 3:1 FSR to be delivered ‘outwards’ making the buildings wider and providing less distance between buildings and less open space and greater tree removal.
Different FSR requirements
- Council’s proposed controls recommend a reduced FSR of 2:1 in parts of the precinct in response to the unique development context of the NEPIA next to the HCA.
- The State Government’s proposed controls apply one standardised FSR of 3:1 across the whole precinct resulting in larger buildings in areas not suitable for that level of density.
Different development site requirements for new development
- Council’s proposed controls include minimum site area controls that will mean individual lots will be required to consolidate to form a larger lot before new development will be allowed. This will ensure buildings can only be deliver on lots big enough to accommodate new development and achieve the separation, landscaping, and sunlight requirements that make development appropriate.
- The State Government proposed controls do not include minimum site area controls.
In February 2024, Council adopted a submission to the proposed reforms which included a request for a two-year deferred commencement from the proposed changes outlined in the Low-and Mid-Rise Housing Reforms package from the State Government to enable Council to pursue programmed solutions. The NEPIA Planning Proposal and draft DCP controls is part of this programmed work and is considered a more appropriate development outcome for the area compared to the proposed reforms.
Council’s NEPIA Planning Proposal and draft DCP provides a more suitable alternative to the proposed reforms and results in approximately 515 additional dwellings in the NEPIA without the same level of adverse effects on surrounding properties and the heritage values of the HCA.
Council is waiting to know the outcome of its request for a two-year deferral from the proposed reforms, and the Planning Proposal for NEPIA will continue to progress separately.
A landowner lodged a Site-Specific Planning Proposal (SSPP) in October 2022 for 23-27 Harold Street, Parramatta (see Figure 4 below). The Planning Proposal sought to increase the height and density on the site.
The landowner also lodged a rezoning review with the State Government in January 2024. The rezoning review was determined by the Sydney Central City Planning Panel and the Panel recommended that the SSPP be amended and be submitted to the DPHI for a Gateway determination with reference to Council’s controls for the NEPIA .
While the NEPIA Planning Proposal prepared by Council includes the land at 23-27 Harold Street, Parramatta, the planning controls are being considered via a separate planning process that is running concurrently with the NEPIA Planning Proposal. The State Government will have the final say on the planning controls within the Site Specific Planning Proposal for 23-27 Harold Street, Parramatta. The Sydney Central Planning Authority is the planning proposal authority for the SSPP, and it is currently under assessment by the DPHI. Information and contact details for enquiries on the SSPP for 23-27 Harold Street are available at the following link. 23-27 HAROLD STREET & 53 SORRELL STREET, PARRAMATTA | Planning Portal - Department of Planning and Environment
Figure 8 -. Location of the SSPP for 23-27 Harold Street, Parramatta
Housing growth will increase demand on transport infrastructure, therefore DCP controls have been proposed to account for the increases in population and reduce dependence on private vehicles.
The DCP amendments proposed for the NEPIA include parking controls which would apply a maximum parking rate in comparison to the current DCP requirements which apply a minimum parking rate. This aligns with the recommendations of Council’s Integrated Transport Plan 2021 (ITP) which also investigated the NEPIA as part of the study area.
The intent of proposing a maximum parking rate for areas (such as NEPIA) which have greater access to public transport is to reduce dependency on private vehicles and reduce congestion on local roads. The proposed parking controls will apply ITP ‘Category B’ parking rates, please see table below for a comparison of parking rates.
Table comparison of number of car parking space requirements
Residential Parking Rate |
Parramatta DCP current general controls that apply to the NEPIA – Minimum required number of car spaces |
ITP ‘Category A’ controls in PLEP 2023 Part 7 City Centre – Maximum required number of car spaces |
ITP ‘Category B’ recommended controls for inclusion in PDCP 2023 Part 8 precinct controls for the NEPIA – Maximum required number of car spaces (proposed) |
Studio |
0.6 |
0.1 |
0.2 |
1 bedroom |
0.6 |
0.3 |
0.4 |
2 bedroom |
0.9 |
0.7 |
0.8 |
3+ bedroom |
1.4 |
1.0 |
1.1 |
Council will consider all submissions and any changes to the exhibited planning controls prior to finalising the Planning Proposal and DCP amendments.
All submitters will be notified via email when Council will consider the outcome of the public exhibition and the next steps. If you are not making a submission, but would still like to be informed of the next steps and any project-related information, please email and include ‘NEPIA – Registration of Interest’.
Council is the Planning Proposal Authority, and is authorised to make changes to the Parramatta LEP 2023 following the public exhibition process. This role was given to Council by the State Government in the Gateway Determination.
A planning proposal (also known as a rezoning application) is a document that explains proposed changes to land use planning controls found in a Local Environmental Plan (LEP). A planning proposal details the intention and amendments that are to be made to the local government area’s LEP (in this case the Parramatta LEP 2023). An example of a change would be to the mapped height limits in an area making provisions for higher density development.
It also sets out the justification for why these changes are suitable for the site and an assessment of the potential impacts of the proposal and how they should be resolved if it is approved. Planning proposals are usually supported by extensive technical information to help with the assessment such as studies on flooding, traffic, urban design, and social impact assessments. A planning proposal can be prepared by anyone, but usually it is either a landowner, developer, or Council.
A ‘Local Environmental Plan’ (LEP) is a legal document that guides planning decisions by local governments. It is prepared by Council and approved by the State Government. The LEP is an important planning tool that helps shape the future of our area and ensures development is done appropriately. Controls in an LEP include such things as land use zones, building heights, floor space ratios, flood risk management controls and heritage protections.
For more information view the Planning Information Sheet.
A ‘Development Control Plan’ (DCP) is a planning document that provides detailed planning and design rules to support the Local Environmental Plan (LEP). These rules are often referred to as ‘controls’ and includes standards such as storm water drainage, landscaping, parking, access, urban design.
For planning proposals such as the North-East Planning Investigation Area, a neighbourhood precinct DCP section is prepared to support the future development of the Precinct.
For more information view the Planning Information Sheet.
On completion of the public exhibition period, the final preferred built option is determined by using weighted assessment criteria, and consideration of community feedback and the results from the economic feasibility analysis.
The weighted assessment criteria are detailed in Section 7 of the Draft Planning Strategy and are summarised here as follows:
a. Context and Neighbourhood Character (20%);
b. Built Form and Scale (20%);
c. Heritage Relationships (20%);
d. Strategic Planning (20%);
e. Land Use and Transport Integration (15%); and
f. Economic Feasibility (5%).
A report has been prepared for consideration and endorsement by Council. The report will outline the feedback, including the preferred built-form option and any changes arising from the exhibition process to the Draft Planning Strategy.
Once a final Planning Strategy has been adopted by Council, this will then guide site-specific planning proposals for sites within the PIA. Such site-specific planning proposals are likely to require their own supporting technical studies and will be subject to their own separate exhibition processes.
Three heritage studies are part of the material on exhibition with the Draft Planning Strategy. Two of these studies were commissioned by Council to inform the preparation of the Parramatta CBD Planning Proposal at different times. These studies are known as the ‘Heritage Study - CBD Planning Controls (2015) by Urbis consultants’ and the ‘Parramatta CBD, Heritage Study of Interface Areas (2017) by HAA consultants’.
The Parramatta CBD Planning Proposal, which was exhibited in 2020, is a separate piece of work that originally included the area now known as the North-East PIA. Further information on the Planning Proposal for the Parramatta CBD is available here:
The third heritage study was commissioned by the State Government to inform their consideration of Council’s application to put the Parramatta CBD Planning Proposal on public exhibition. This study is known as the ‘Heritage Interface Areas, Parramatta CBD (2018) prepared by GML consultants’.
The three heritage studies include analysis and recommendations that are generally reflected in three of the six potential draft built form options on exhibition.
The six potential draft built form options range from 3 storeys up to 29 storeys and are described in the table below along with the corresponding land use planning controls – floor space ratio (FSR) and height in metres and storeys.
Option 1 reflects the current planning controls in the Parramatta LEP 2011 and results in the lowest planning controls. Options 2 to 6 are possible planning controls that would introduce changes to the area, subject to the outcome of this PIA. Options 3 to 6 allow for an additional maximum height and FSR where design excellence is awarded to a development proposal.
To achieve “design excellence”, tower developments must undergo an architectural design competition. This process allows a 15% bonus on height and FSR controls if design excellence is achieved. Under the draft controls in the Parramatta CBD Planning Proposal, all towers 40m or higher must undergo a design competition process. Accordingly, Options 3-6 all factor in a 15% bonus for design excellence.
The six potential draft built form options for the North-East PIA are further described and illustrated in the Draft Planning Strategy.
The Draft Planning Strategy presents six potential draft built form options for the North-East PIA. The land use planning controls that would deliver each built form option are described in the Draft Planning Strategy. A description of the area and surrounding context, and the work that Council has undertaken to date, including how Council will assess the built form options and next steps, are also described in the Draft Planning Strategy.
Council is publicly exhibiting the Draft Planning Strategy for the North-East PIA to seek your feedback on the six potential draft built form options. The final preferred option will be determined in the post-exhibition period, once Council has considered all feedback and undertaken an economic feasibility analysis of each option.
The precinct is located between a proposed high rise corridor on Church Street (under the Parramatta CBD Planning Proposal) and low scale built form in the Sorrell Street Heritage Conservation Area (HCA). This is shown on the map below under the next question. These competing strategic priorities means there is a case for both higher and lower built forms in this PIA and therefore Council is exhibiting six potential draft built options for consideration.