Parramatta 2050

Project update: Parramatta 2050 adopted

Parramatta 2050 was officially adopted by Council on Monday 12 August 2024. This major milestone represents a shared vision for the city’s future. Thank you to everyone who participated in our survey, community workshops, pop-ups and online sessions.

About Parramatta 2050

Parramatta 2050 is an initiative of the City of Parramatta Council (Council) to prepare a long-term strategic vision that guides our City’s future and provides a platform for advocacy.

As per Council Resolution Item 4684 at its meeting of 13 May 2024, Council exhibited draft Parramatta 2050 for 60 days from 20 May - 19 July 2024. During this period, the community and stakeholders were invited to provide feedback on Parramatta 2050. The draft vision underwent a rigorous testing process including community pop-up events, online survey, webinars, focus groups, and written submissions.

Following the close of public exhibition, Council staff considered community and stakeholder feedback and used these insights to inform amendments to the post-exhibition version of Parramatta 2050.

The post-exhibition version of Parramatta 2050 was also tested with Point Parramatta 2050, Council’s panel of global city experts.

A detailed summary of public exhibition feedback and key changes can be reviewed in Council’s business papers from its meeting of 12 August 2024 as follows: Council report Item 13.9 and Council supplementary report, Item 13.91

Community and external stakeholder feedback during public exhibition - What we heard?

  • High levels of support for draft Parramatta 2050
  • The Strategic Directions resonated well, but some felt they were disconnected from the rest of the document
  • All Districts resonated, but some felt there were missed opportunities in not addressing all Districts in detail
  • All Game Changers resonated strongly, with initiatives relating to transport and the Parramatta River performing best
  • High levels of support for the following:
    • Improved and well-connected transport options
    • Caring for the environment (environmental protection and sustainability)
    • City activation and opportunities to gather (events, sports, and entertainment)
    • Job creation, education, skill development and economic diversification
    • Creative initiatives, art, culture and infrastructure
    • Strengthening First Nations partnerships
  • Some felt that the document could be more strongly rooted in Parramatta’s European heritage, history and place
  • Some wanted to see greater reflection of liveability, including community infrastructure and amenities
  • Some wanted to understand more clearly how Parramatta 2050 connects to the metropolitan scale and the impact that it has on the broader region

Summary of key changes made in response to community and external stakeholder feedback were as follows:

  • The Game Changer initiatives were grouped under the Strategic Directions to strengthen this connection
  • The opening pages of the vision were reframed to tell more of Parramatta’s story
  • The detailed proposal for the Districts was expanded from Camellia/Rosehill and Silverwater to include all five Districts
  • Initiatives relating to transport and the Parramatta River were elevated to be placed earlier in the document and strengthened in parts
  • Information was included illustrating the impact of draft Parramatta 2050 at local and metropolitan scales
  • The document and the “An unrivalled river city” Game Changer were strengthened to speak to the importance of sustainability and resilience for global cities

Several additional minor amendments were also made in response to the feedback received.

A detailed summary of public exhibition feedback and key changes can be reviewed in Council’s business papers from its meeting of 12 August 2024 as follows: Council report Item 13.9 and Council supplementary report, Item 13.91.

Next steps

  • Media launch and additional engagement to communicate Parramatta’s long-term vision
  • Develop an evaluation and monitoring framework to track the progress of the vision
  • Implementation planning to outline in more detail the actions required to deliver on the vision’s initiatives

The adopted vision can be found here and in Resources.

By 2050, Parramatta will be a city of more than 500,000 people in the geographic heart of Greater Sydney and more people will be living west of Parramatta than to its east. To chart a course for Parramatta’s continued transformation into a global city, the City of Parramatta has prepared draft Parramatta 2050.

Draft Parramatta 2050 is the City of Parramatta’s long term strategic vision which leverages the city’s key assets and outlines the big opportunities for Parramatta now and into the future.

Figure 1:Global Parramatta's districts (Indicative only)

Public exhibition - now closed

In mid-2024, Council invited you to have your say on draft Parramatta 2050, our long-term strategic vision that positions Parramatta as a vibrant hub delivering exciting opportunities for generations to come!

You can learn more about draft Parramatta 2050 by reading through the community summary (also available in Arabic, Chinese Simplified, Hindi and Korean) and frequently asked questions (scroll down the page).

Submissions were welcome until 5pm on Friday 19 July 2024.

Frequently asked questions

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