Creative Cultural Venues


“Shaping the future of Parramatta's cultural infrastructure!”

Parramatta is a rapidly developing City, with a rich and unique cultural identity at its core!

When we look at cities around the world, it is the cultural infrastructure and activities that help make the city a desirable, attractive and interesting place to explore! A city with a good network of cultural venues is a liveable city – putting people, ideas and creativity at its core

In 2020, the City of Parramatta sought to better understand what creative cultural venues and experiences to prioritise throughout the Parramatta CBD and our suburbs. We had a very strong response to our online survey, with over 200 completed. Thank you to all who contributed!

It was clear there is a strong desire for more creative cultural experiences closer to home as many of you told us that you currently have to leave Parramatta to find these experiences. You can learn more by clicking on the engagement results link below.

Next steps

Following an internal review that took place throughout 2021, Council has determined that the research, actions and recommendations being developed for cultural infrastructure will be integrated into the refreshed City of Parramatta Cultural Strategy. The Cultural Strategy is the city’s overarching strategic document focused on culture and is undergoing a review in 2022. It is expected to be open to community feedback as part of Council’s renewal of its overall strategic framework later in 2022.

We look forward to using your feedback to further develop the recommendations and actions around cultural infrastructure as part of the Cultural Strategy.

If you are:

  • A resident / audience member
  • An arts / events organisation
  • A producer / director / writer / performer
  • An investor or consumer of arts / cultural content and events
  • Someone who visits Parramatta to attend cultural events / enjoy cultural activities

... we would love for you to stay in touch! Follow this page or provide your details below to receive emails about future community consultation opportunities.
