Community Satisfaction Survey

The Community Satisfaction Survey (or Com Sat for short) is an annual survey where we invite all residents to tell us how satisfied they are with a range of Council services and facilities.

Council is committed to continuously improving our performance and services – we use the results of this annual survey to make changes where necessary.

The 2024 survey closed on Sunday 1 December. Stay tuned for a summary of results which will be shared with the community in early-mid 2025!

Scroll over each tile below to learn more about the topics we ask you about!

Each year we survey residents to understand how satisfied they are with Council’s performance across 4 key categories.


>  Council is genuine about listening

>  The opportunity to have your say

>  Information on developments near me

>  Information on Council initiatives

>  Information on things to see and do

>  Ease of interactions with Council


>  Cleanliness of streets, parks, creeks etc.

>  Recycling efforts

>  Promotion of sustainable and active transport options

>  Planting of trees

>  Availability of parks, bushland or other green spaces


>  Library services, public spaces and aquatic centres

>  Parramatta Artists's Studios and Riverside Theatres

>  Maintenance of parks, gardens, sporting fields, halls

>  Quality of playgrounds and child-care faciliities


>  Local roads and footpaths

>  Cycleways

>  Carparks and parking

>  Local traffic management

>  Waste collection services

>  Council run events and festivals

>  Provision of lighting in your local area

Frequently asked questions