Unnamed Service Laneway in Winston Hills


In early 2022 Council invited the community to provide feedback on a proposal to name the unnamed service laneway that curves behind the Lomond Centre, Winston Hills.

On Monday 23 May 2022, Council endorsed the community's first preference - Siegfried Lane. To learn about the outcome of the community engagement, see below.

The laneway is primarily used for deliveries to the businesses operating within the retail strip, and runs perpendicular with Lomond Crescent to the east, intersecting with Glasgow Street to the south.

Naming the laneway will be of help to businesses and deliveries servicing the shopping centre.

How were the proposed names chosen?

The NSW Geographical Names Board encourages place names that reflect the heritage, culture and identity of a site, and make it distinctive and memorable for residents and the wider community.

Council undertakes research to identify significant stories and histories to propose names that meet this and other important criteria. For example, the name must not be repeated within a 10-kilometre radius.

With preliminary approval from the NSW Geographical Names Board, Council then presents the options to the wider community.

Next steps

The preferred name will be put forward to the NSW Geographical Names Board for gazettal. Please follow this page to stay updated.


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