In late 2021, The City of Parramatta completed upgrades at the Lomond Centre Shops in Winston Hills as part of our long-running Better Neighbourhood Program (BNP).
During November 2020, we sought your feedback on what improvements could be made to the public spaces surrounding this local centre. Council reviewed all submissions and worked closely with key stakeholders to develop a Draft Concept Plan for the Lomond Centre Shops which reflected the feedback that we received. Check out the ideas we received in the 'post-it note' section at the bottom of this page!
In early 2021, we checked in with you to see what you thought about the Draft Concept Plan. Feedback on the Draft Concept Plan closed at 9am on Tuesday 6 April 2021.
Thank you for your comments and feedback. The Draft Concept Plan remained unchanged and the plan presented was taken forward as the Final Concept Plan.
Please note that The City of Parramatta does not manage the tenants that occupy the shops, however Council has strongly advocated to the managing agent, the community’s feedback in wanting a Café/coffee offering at this local centre.
Please check out the Final Concept Plan below, as well as the design principles and examples in the resources section.

- Proposed concrete wall seating...... with top-mounted benches with arm and back rests.
- New single large waste bin...... to consolidate current bin numbers.
- Proposed concrete pavement...... with paver banding infill to eliminate current trip hazards and enhance the public space.
- Proposed bar style table and stools...... for additional seating opportunities.
- Layered feature planting within garden beds...... to enhance centre frontage
- Proposed hand and guardrail to staircase...... and along garden edge
- Proposed shop centre signage...... to enhance shop identifcation
- Proposed sandstone garden tiering
- Proposed new linemarkings
- Proposed planting of deciduous feature trees...... on stabilised slope and removal of large trees
- Proposed new street shade/feature tree planting