Naming Project for the Parramatta Aquatic Centre


Learn about this consultation to name the spaces, rooms, pools and services. Submissions are now closed.

For more details on the Parramatta Aquatic Centre, please visit Council's main website.

Please note that this page only provides details in relation to the naming of Parramatta Aquatic Centre.

On Monday 12 September 2022, Council endorsed the names recommended for rooms and facilities within Parramatta Aquatic Centre based on the findings of the community engagement process.

The endorsed recommendation

(a) That Council note the outcomes of the second stage of public engagement process on naming suggestions for the elements (rooms, facilities) within the facility

(b) Further, that Council endorse the names recommended for the constituent elements within the Parramatta Aquatic Centre as identified in paragraph 4 of this report.

Results from community engagement

The community was invited to select between one and eight options from a list of sixteen names, with an additional option to select ‘none of the above’.

Overall, a total of 87 contributions were received: 85 via the online surveyand two via email. The following five names were voted most popular:

  • Barra Ngurang (eel room)
  • Yanada Ngurang (moon room)
  • Bugi Badu (swimming pool)
  • Gunggung Badu (frog pool)
  • Budyari Badu (good water)

Gurang Badu (babies' pool) was voted sixth most popular in the engagement activity. However, it is proposed to use Gurang Ngurang as the name for the crèche service that will operate within the Community Room, in addition to other uses.

Allocation of names

Based on the outcomes from the community engagement process and the feedback of Dharug community consultants, the following names were allocated to selected elements within the facility:

English name
(primary wayfinding)
Dual name
(incorporated in wayfinding signage where possible and on door plates)
(referenced on actual door plates or interpretative panels)

Studio 1

Guman Ngurang Casuarina room

Studio 2

Barra Ngurang

Eel room

Studio 3

Yanada Ngurang

Moon room

Community Room

Baraba Ngurang

Bullrush room

Kevin Hession Stand



50m Pool

Memorial Pool

25m Pool

Bugi Badu

Swimming pool

Spa, Steam and Sauna

Budyari Badu

Good water

Program Pool

Gulyangarri Badu

Children's pool

Activity Room

Dyanmila Ngurang

Play place

Splash Play Area

Gunggung Badu

Frog pool

Crèche Service

Gurang Ngurang

Infants' place


Dual naming approach

The inclusion of dual naming of the facilities will be worked through with a wayfinding specialist to confirm how this is best reflected in the signage.

It is anticipated that, for the purposes of signage, the English name will be primary.

Wherever possible, the Dharug name will be incorporated into signage and on nameplates for the spaces.

The English translation of the Dharug names will be incorporated into name plates and interpretative panels.


Overall, 10 spaces or pools in the new facility have been selected to have a dual name. The proposed names are in addition to the names noted and endorsed at the 11 July 2022 meeting, namely the Kevin Hession Stand and the Memorial Pool (50m pool).

