Planning Proposal and Planning Agreement for 8 Lincluden Place, Oatlands

Overview of Planning Proposal and Planning Agreement

On Monday 27 May 2024, City of Parramatta Council resolved to approve the Planning Proposal (see Council Minutes, Item 31.5). The Planning Agreement was executed on 8July 2024.The Planning Proposal was finalised by the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure and Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2023 (Map Amendment No 5) was notified on 26 July 2024.


In early 2024, the City of Parramatta Council concluded public exhibition of a site-specific Planning Proposal and draft Planning Agreement for land at 8 Lincluden Place, Oatlands.

The subject site is located at 8 Lincluden Place, Oatlands and is bound by Gollan Avenue to the north-east, Pennant Hills Road to the north-west and neighbouring properties at 6 and 9 Lincluden Place, Oatlands. The site is currently zoned part SP2 Infrastructure (Educational Establishment) and part SP2 Infrastructure (Classified Road), and includes several disused educational buildings that are in private ownership.

The site-specific Planning Proposal proposes to change the zoning of the existing land to accommodate future residential housing that is in keeping with surrounding development, subject to a future development application(s).

A draft Planning Agreement was prepared to accompany the Planning Proposal to address local infrastructure demand.

Changes to Planning Controls

This Planning Proposal seeks to amend the Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2023 (PLEP) as follows:

  • Amend land use zoning from SP2 Infrastructure (Educational Establishment) to R2 Low Density Residential. The portion of land currently zoned SP2 Infrastructure (Classified Road) is to be retained;
  • Apply a maximum Floor Space Ratio (FSR) control from what is currently no FSR control to 0.5:1 in-line with surrounding R2 Low Density Residential land; and
  • Include the site in the Dual Occupancy Prohibition Map (subdivisions) in-line with surrounding R2 Low Density Residential land.

Refer to the table below illustrating changes between the current and proposed Parramatta LEP 2023 planning controls.

Current PLEP 2023 Controls

Proposed PLEP 2023 Controls

Land Use Zoning

Part SP2 Infrastructure (Educational Establishment) and Part SP2 Infrastructure (Classified Road)

Part R2 Low Density Residential and Part SP2 Infrastructure (Classified Road)

Height of Buildings

9m (2 - 3 storeys)

9m (2 - 3 storeys)

Floor Space Ratio

no FSR


Heritage Provisions

Heritage Conservation Area - Burnside Homes

Heritage Conservation Area - Burnside Homes

Dual Occupancy Prohibition


‘S’ – Subdivision for Dual Occupancies Prohibited

Given the relatively minor nature of this Planning Proposal, the preparation of a site-specific Development Control Plan (DCP) is not required. Any future development shall be assessed under the existing provisions of the Parramatta DCP 2023.

Public exhibition period now closed

Submissions were welcome until 5pm on Friday 9 February 2024.

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