The 40km/h High Pedestrian Activity Area (HPAA) are sections of road where there is high interaction between vehicles and pedestrians (often located near shopping precincts, bus and railway interchanges or health precincts).
The maximum speed limit in these areas is 40km/h at all times and is installed with supportive signage, road markings and traffic calming (where required) to alert motorists to high pedestrian activity.
The 40 km/h HPAA zones are part of a NSW government initiative to create a safer environment for all road users, particularly pedestrians. Council in partnership with TfNSW, design and implement HPAA schemes in accordance with TfNSW guidelines for 40km/h zones.
Vehicle speed is a major factor in pedestrian injuries and fatalities, especially in areas that have a high number of pedestrians.
Managing speed, in accordance with safe system principles, is a key component in managing pedestrian safety.
Research and scientific analysis show that a pedestrian hit by a car travelling at 40km/h has twice the chance of surviving the collision than if the car was travelling at 50km/h speed.
Travelling speeds higher than 40km/h greatly increases the risk of injury and death to pedestrians.
These locations have been selected as they are high pedestrian activity areas within the Newington retail precinct and provide access to industrial and high-density residential developments.
There is also a history of pedestrian injury accidents at these locations.
In accordance with TfNSW guidelines for 40km/h zones, there are two main requirements for the installation of a HPAA restriction. These requirements are:
- speed of traffic is to be around 40km/h; and
- if required, traffic calming measures are to be installed to support the 40km/h limit
Despite the vehicle speeds being less than 40km/h based on the July 2018 vehicle speed and volume count survey, there were 5 injury accidents during the 5-year period between July 2014 and June 2020 in the streets where the 40km/h HPAA restrictions are being put in place. Three of these accidents involved pedestrians crossing the road.
Therefore, to further reduce vehicle speeds and improve pedestrian safety, speed cushions are being installed at strategic locations such as at crash locations and near pedestrian crossings.
Council at its meeting on the 26th April 2021 resolved to undertake further consultations with the community on the proposal.