Proposed Pre-construction Coordination Fee

Public exhibition - now closed

Submissions closed at 5pm on Thursday 17 October. Please follow this page for updates.


Council’s Fees & Charges 2024/25, part of the Delivery Program & Operational Plan (DPOP) 2024/25, were first publicly exhibited from 24 April – 22 May 2024, and adopted by Council at its meeting of 24 June 2024.

An amendment is proposed to the Fees & Charges 2024/25 to include a new fee for pre-construction coordination of developer-led infrastructure.

Proposed amendment to Fees & Charges 2024/25

Current state: Pre-construction coordination of developer-led infrastructure

A significant increase in the amount of infrastructure being delivered for Council by developers has created an opportunity to improve the customer service interface between those developers and Council staff responsible for asset delivery and maintenance.

At present, there are a number of detailed design considerations, inspections and approval processes that need to be followed after a development consent has been obtained or a voluntary planning agreement has been signed. These processes often run parallel to each other with no clear contact for developers.

Council’s business as usual approach to infrastructure delivery is not able to keep pace with the volume and complexity of infrastructure that is to be delivered.

Proposed introduction of a new Pre-construction Coordination Fee

A new Pre-construction Coordination fee is proposed to be levied for developers, which will support funding for a dedicated position in Council, with an objective to improve customer experience and community outcomes.

  • The new position would work with those delivering future Council assets to define a program of necessary approvals, inspection points, etc.
  • In addition to the improved customer experience, the creation of such an interface position would result in quicker and clearer decision making, leading to greater efficiency in staff resources and in asset delivery, as well as the potential for the delivery of a higher quality of asset for the community.

Details of the proposed fee are as follows:

Name Pricing Policy Category GST Year 24/25
Pre-construction coordination fee Fee (Excl GST) GST Fee (Incl GST)
Multi-unit dwellings and commercial J Y $10,000 $1000 $11,000
Multi-site /Precinct work - either: as above for each site or as negotiated on a bespoke precinct basis.

Public exhibition period now closed

Submissions closed at 5pm on Thursday 17 October 2024.

Following this public exhibition, all submissions will be considered before a final recommendation is returned to Council for decision in November 2024.

Further information

For further information on this public exhibition, please contact Rob Cologna, Group Manager, City Strategic Planning.