Draft Social Sustainability Strategy

We want to build an equitable and resilient Parramatta, strengthened by our diverse communities.

The draft Social Sustainability Strategy is a 10-year strategy that replaces the Socially Sustainable Parramatta Framework (SSPF) 2017-2021. Scroll down to discover the priority areas of the draft Social Sustainability Strategy and see how you can help create an equitable and resilient city, empowering our community to have a great quality of life.

Why do we need a Social Sustainability Strategy?

Our city is in the midst of significant change and being socially sustainable is more important than ever. Social sustainability is about making sure everyone in our community is healthy and has equitable access to opportunities. Council has an important role to play in ensuring that everyone in our community is safe, socially connected, and that they have the skills and resources they need to live with dignity and thrive.

What you have told us so far?

We recognise the importance of involving our community in our planning and decision-making process. Community engagement has been at the core of the development of this draft Strategy.

Watch to learn about the areas you want us to address.

Our vision

To be an equitable and resilient city, where residents are safe, socially connected, and have what they need to live with dignity and to thrive.

By effectively managing the challenges associated with change and growth, we can empower our community to have a great quality of life.

Our priorities

For more detail on what actions we'll take to achieve this vision, see the Community Summary and the draft Strategy

>> Thank you for getting involved

We checked back in with you for further comment before finalising the draft Strategy for Council endorsement.

Thank you for having your say on the draft Social Sustainability Strategy by 5pm on Monday 16 October 2023 by filling in the online submission form, emailing Council or chatting with the project team at pop-ups.

Frequently asked questions