Junction Street Plaza, Granville

November 2024 - Project Update

Work at Junction Street Plaza is progressing well with the arrival of large custom pre-cast concrete culverts, which are being used to create social seating spaces, parkour areas, and green spaces, with the park set to open in early 2025.


Junction Street Plaza is all action

Work at Junction Street Plaza is gaining momentum with some of the large custom pre-cast concrete culverts arriving on site. Some of the culverts are being used to create a social seating space with a picnic table. Others will have hanging seats suspended underneath.

The biggest culvert is 3mx3m and the combined weight of them all is approximately 30 tonne!

Some of the culverts are being used in the parkour space which will be created using a combination of pre-cast pieces of various sizes and weights to create a course that flows. As work continues, we’ll start to see the green space taking shape and murals being painted on some of the walls. Stay tuned for more updates.

This urban park which aims to make more from the M4 is now set to open in early 2025.

Visit our image gallery section for more November construction progress images.


Following two rounds of community engagement in 2023, City of Parramatta Council approved the Junction Street Plaza project in February 2024 and we’re excited to announce construction on our new urban park starts in late-May.

The three-month construction program will see the transformation of 1,000m2 of land underneath the M4 to create a social gathering place, with the park expected to be open in September 2024 (subject to weather and site conditions).

In response to community feedback, the park includes a range of active play elements like surfaces for skating, climbing and parkour. Trees, garden beds, seating, and public art will also be introduced.

With funding from the NSW Government, Junction Street Plaza could be the first piece in a larger project transforming more of the area under the M4 into much-needed green, recreational space.

Stay tuned for more updates as Junction Street Plaza starts to take shape.

I have questions...

For more information on Junction Street Plaza, please contact Capital Projects at City of Parramatta on 1300 617 058 or email participate@cityofparramatta.nsw.gov.au

For out-of-hours or urgent matters relating to the construction works at Junction Street Plaza, please contact Principal Contractor Growth Civil Landscapes, Nathan Bowen on 0498 256 394.

What we heard?

In Stage 1 of community consultation (February 2023), we asked people to share ideas on how they wanted to use this space. There were focus groups with young people and we undertook broad engagement. There were 122 contributions and 35 people participated in detailed feedback sessions.

In Stage 2 engagement (November 2023), we shared a concept design based on your vision for Junction Street Plaza. We followed-up with young people who had participated in Stage 1 engagement and undertook wider community consultation. We received 94 submissions across the quick poll and the online submission form.

  • 83% of respondents absolutely or somewhat liked the design and supported the project.
  • You told us the design features you wanted to see the most were the parkour and climbing elements, table tennis, and beginner parkour area.
  • However, you gave the highest priority to creating a green space. Respondents were eager to see the area transformed with planting to create a cooler more welcoming space.
  • Next on the priority list was colourful artwork. Art was linked to creating a welcoming, activated and safe environment.

Before and After

Hover over the photo and compare the existing site that we're working with to what we hope it will become



For visual representation purposes only - subject to change.

Explore our design for the Junction Street Youth Plaza!

What do you think of our draft design for Junction Street?