Socially Sustainable Parramatta Framework

Sharing the opportunities of growth for all...

The City of Parramatta is transforming! The momentum of growth and investment in the City of Parramatta will create many opportunities for a new and more diverse mix of high-quality housing, jobs and infrastructure in a liveable, productive and sustainable City.

Council wants everyone in our community to benefit from our City’s growth and prosperity. That is why Council created the Socially Sustainable Framework as a way to guide our projects. Endorsed by Council in 2017, the Socially Sustainable Parramatta Framework (the Framework) aims to put people first, outlining specific ways that the opportunities for growth can be shared equitably for all people – residents and visitors alike, and for those in both the Parramatta CBD and its surrounding suburbs.

The core of the Framework is eight goals (see below for more information about each goal) that have been developed to help City of Parramatta achieve social sustainability. To guide its implementation and achievement of its eight goals, the Framework provides a list of actions for years 1-2, with the intention that these would be reviewed and updated for years 3-5. The Social Outcomes team seeks the community’s input in shaping the actions that will form the Framework’s years 3-5 Action Plan.

To view information about this project in your language please refer to the resources section.

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What did we hear?

Thank you to everyone who participated in the years 3-5 review of the Socially Sustainable Parramatta Framework actions! 139,191 people were presented with the opportunity to provide feedback with 102 people completing the online survey and over 35 community members participating in Council's first ever virtual workshop!

Click on the button below to learn more about the process to date and what we heard from recent consultations.

Have any questions? Email us at or contact the Social Outcomes team on 02 9806 5050.

But wait, what is social sustainability?

Socially sustainable communities are equitable, diverse, connected and provide a good quality of life for all people. So a community is socially sustainable when the processes, systems, structures and relationships support our current and future generations to create healthy and liveable communities.

It is all about strengthening the cohesion and wellbeing of our diverse communities to ensure that we can continue to work towards common goals, such as great quality of life, democracy and resilience, no matter what challenges we face. It is about investing in our individual and collective wellbeing, so that all people, including our most vulnerable, can thrive.

The Framework includes eight goals to create our socially sustainable Parramatta. Within each goal, are various actions we need to take in order to reach that goal (this is what we will be reviewing in the workshop). (The eight goals and our progress to achieving these are outlined in the FAQ).

  • Apr 2020

    Workshop consultation on years 3-5 commence

  • Apr 2020

    Expression of interest for community workshops

  • Jun 2020

    Community Workshop

  • Jun 2020

    Review feedback and actions from workshop

  • Jul 2020

    Online survey commences

  • Aug 2020

    Evaluation of survey feedback

  • Sep 2020

    Youth workshop on Wednesday 2 September

  • Dec 2020

    Report back to the community with update

  • Early 2021

    Implement new action plan.