Socially Sustainable Parramatta Framework

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Work towards ensuring every child in Parramatta is healthy, nurtured, happy, and will thrive.
  • The benefits of growth are being shared equitably with all when there is no opportunity gap between children (aged 0-4 years) from low and high income families.
  • Deliver and expand on a diverse range of affordable high quality housing that meets the spectrum of housing needs in the community.
  • The benefits of growth are being shared equitably for all when all Parramatta residents can afford to pay for housing that meets their needs.
  • Facilitate formal and informal learning opportunities at all ages, to help people improve their circumstances, reach their full potential and share their knowledge, creativity and culture.
  • The benefits of growth will be shared equitably by all when people have equal opportunity to access formal and informal learning opportunities.
  • Secure and retain decent jobs and access to enterprise for all Parramatta residents.
  • The benefits of growth will be shared by all when people have access to the benefits of economic participation.
  • Design, build and maintain public spaces and neighbourhoods that are green, safe and inclusive for all.
  • The benefits of growth are being shared equitably with all when we design, build and maintain public spaces and neighbourhoods that are green, safe and inclusive for all
  • Improve physical and mental health outcomes, starting with groups experiencing disadvantage.
  • The benefits of growth are being shared equitably with all when there is a closing of the health inequality gap and people are living longer with greater quality of life, regardless of their socioeconomic position.
  • Facilitate social connections to foster socially and culturally diverse, inclusive and empowered communities.
  • The benefits of growth are being share equitably with all when we are willing to welcome a stranger, whether that be a visitor, a migrant, our neighbour, a co-worker, someone who is vulnerable, or someone who is different from ourselves.
  • Improve Council’s policies and practices to enable a more socially sustainable City of Parramatta
  • The benefits of growth are being shared equitably with all when social responsibility is embedded in the core business strategy of Council, local organisations and businesses, and they consider how their actions affect our people.

From the recent consultation with the community, we had some great feedback about the Framework. Feedback from the survey told us:

Goals by Popularity:

  • Green, inclusive and safe places to share – 82% of respondents chose this goal
  • All people can live healthy, active lives – 74%
  • All people can share, learn and grow – 56%
  • Diverse, affordable homes for everyone – 55%
  • All people can access a job that enables them to live with dignity and security – 55%
  • Children are our future – 54%
  • We trust each other, are welcoming, and feel good about being here together – 54%
  • We lead by example – 48%

From the recent consultation with the community, we had some great feedback about the Framework. Feedback from the survey told us:


We asked what you thought of the actions proposed to meet the SSPF goals, these were the top ratings for each goal:

Goal 1: Children are our Future

  • 81% gave the goal a rating of 'Good 4/5' or 'Great 5/5'

Goal 2: Diverse, affordable homes for everyone

  • 65% gave the goal a rating of 'Good 4/5' or 'Great 5/5'

Goal 3: All people can share, learn and grow

  • 74% gave the goal a rating of 'Good 4/5' or 'Great 5/5'

Goal 4: All people can access a job that enables them to live with dignity and security

  • 71% gave the goal a rating of 'Good 4/5' or 'Great 5/5'

Goal 5: Green, inclusive, and safe places to share

  • 80% gave the goal a rating of 'Good 4/5' or 'Great 5/5'

Goal 6: All people can live healthy, active lives

  • 92% gave the goal a rating of 'Good 4/5' or 'Great 5/5'

Goal 7: We trust each other, are welcoming, and feel good about being here together

  • 83% gave the goal a rating of 'Good 4/5' or 'Great 5/5'

Goal 8: We lead by example

  • 78% gave the goal a rating of 'Good 4/5' or 'Great 5/5'

We asked if there was anything missing from the action plan, or if you had any suggestions. The most common comments were about:

  • Population density
  • To incorporate the question “Is this project best supporting the achievement of the SSPF goals/ values?" into all project plans
  • “Ensure that 'Aboriginal Culture' is at the centre of what the City of Parramatta do.”
  • “I think Council has a role in continually reinforcing and educating the community on why the goal of social sustainability is so important - with personal stories and achievements - so everyone can be more supported individually and as a community in achieving the goals.”