George Street East Pedestrian & Cyclist Paths

Council has obtained grant funding from TfNSW to construct the George Street East Pedestrian and Cyclist Paths.

To improve access to the CBD from the east along the river, Council will deliver:

  • A combination of shared path and exclusive pedestrian and cyclist paths through Queens Wharf Reserve between Alfred Street and George Street, Parramatta
  • A raised pedestrian and cyclist crossing over River Road West east of Alfred Street is proposed
  • Two speed humps and a contraflow bike lane on the northern side of Noller Parade, Parramatta

The George Street East pedestrian and cyclist paths will result in a higher quality, safer, pedestrian and cyclist experience along the southern river foreshore. It will complement existing Council and State Government walking and cycling initiatives such as the Alfred Street Bridge, PLR “Active Transport Link” that terminates at Alfred Street, as well as the Alfred Street Pedestrian and Cyclist Upgrade.

This will give all workers, residents and visitors new and improved access to the foreshore in Sydney’s Central River City.

Review of Environmental Factors - Now approved

Project update - December 2024

The Queens Wharf Active Transport Review of Environmental Factors George Street East (REF) has now been approved under Part 5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. This approval is subject to implementation of the mitigation measures (detailed in Chapter 8) to ensure no significant environmental impact, particularly for archaeology and trees.

City of Parramatta ensures its environmental responsibilities are met throughout any project to ensure safe, sustainable development of community infrastructure and ongoing protection of our environment allowing residents and visitors to enjoy our Parramatta River corridor and the City’s natural green space.

River Archaeology Open Day

Come along to an archaeological open day and pop-up exhibition at Queens Wharf Reserve Parramatta this Saturday 28 October from 9.00am – 4.00pm.