Come along to an archaeological open day and pop-up exhibition at Queens Wharf Reserve Parramatta this Saturday 28 October from 9.00am – 4.00pm.
The open day and pop-up exhibition entitled River Stories will be located near the Noller Parade and George Street intersection.
Learn about discoveries including Aboriginal archaeology from the Holocene, and Pleistocene deposits buried deep in the Parramatta Sand Body that formed along the river’s edge for millennia.
Chat to the archaeologists from Extent Heritage about investigations into colonial and historical archaeology including the convict period Commissary Store, Howell and Byrne’s Mills from the mid-nineteenth century, and the later Parramatta Benevolent Asylum, among other features.
The River Stories exhibition includes an immersive audio-visual experience as well as fun educational activities.
All are welcome.
The archaeological investigation program is being done on behalf of City of Parramatta as part of statutory approvals required by Heritage NSW for the construction of the new Active Transport Link Dual Cycleway and Pedestrian Path Project. Learn more on Participate Parramatta.