Proposed roundabout - North Rocks Road and Loyalty Road, North Rocks

Overview of Proposal

Public exhibition closed at 5pm on Tuesday 13 August 2024. Thank you to everyone who made a submission. Please follow this page to receive updates.

Project reference no: TS/2024/10

City of Parramatta Council is proposing to install a roundabout at the intersection of North Rocks Road and Loyalty Road, North Rocks.

The proposal includes:

  • Construction of pedestrian refuge islands on each leg of the roundabout
  • A separated bicycle path and shared path along both sides of North Rocks Road to assist cyclists travelling through the intersection.

The purpose of the proposal is to improve road safety by reducing vehicle speeds on North Rocks Road and by reducing the conflicting traffic manoeuvres at the intersection.

The detailed design plans can be viewed here.

Please note: The timing of the construction of this project is subject to the availability of funding.

Public exhibition closed at 5pm on Tuesday 13 August 2024.

Next steps

The Parramatta Traffic Committee and Council will consider responses to this consultation prior to determining the matter.  All persons that provide a submission will be advised of Council’s decision in December 2024.

If you have any further queries regarding this matter, please contact City of Parramatta’s Traffic and Transport Executive Engineer, Behzad Saleh on 02 9806 8410.

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