As part of the works, Council is proposing to install pedestrian refuge islands at all legs of the intersection to allow pedestrians and cyclists to safely cross the road in two-stages. Furthermore, Council is proposing to install a shared path on both sides of North Rocks Road to avoid conflicts between cyclists and vehicles travelling through the roundabout.
Council has designed the roundabout to ensure that there is as little impact on vehicular access to properties as possible while not compromising the safety of the design. Further details are shown by the swept path analysis within the design plans.
As a result of construction of the roundabout and the pedestrian refuge islands on each leg, several on-street parking spaces will need to be repurposed. In short, new 'No Stopping' restrictions will be installed on the northern side of the road between the driveway of 205-207 North Rocks Road and 4 Loyalty Road, and also on the southern side of the road between Wentworth Avenue and 208 North Rocks Road.
Subject to the availability of funds for construction, Council intends to construct the roundabout within the 2025 calendar year.