The City of Parramatta has completed its upgrade of Edwin Ross Reserve in Carlingford!
In late 2019 and in early 2020, Council asked students at Carlingford Public School and residents who live around Edwin Ross Reserve what they wanted to see upgraded at the park.
Responding to community feedback, the upgrades include:
- A new play area with a range of play types, including nature play-themed equipment
- A multi-use sports space for informal recreation including Newcombe Ball
- A cricket wicket wall for informal cricket games to facilitate current use in the park
- Picnic shelters and accessible picnic settings to provide opportunities for social gatherings
- An informal kick-about open space
- Fencing along the road boundaries to minimise stray balls entering traffic and enhance park user safety
- An entry space to the park with a street library and seating opportunities to provide a passive and reflective space
- New shade tree planting
- New seating
You can review the Draft Concept Plan for Edwin Ross Reserve in the resources section.
We hope that you enjoy the upgraded park!
