The City of Parramatta and Sydney Water are working together to help clean the Parramatta River. Sydney Water has a Waterway Health Improvement Program and one of the key outcomes is to improve the health and quality of stormwater before it enters the Parramatta River.
As part of this work, both organisations are looking to implement a waterway health improvement project at Deakin Park, Silverwater. Please note that this project is currently unfunded, with the timing of delivery for future stages dependent on Sydney Water and Council funding priorities
In mid-2021 and then again in late-2021, we asked the community for ideas and suggestions to help us improve Deakin Park including waterway health and environmental outcomes. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback.Here's what the community said!
Public exhibition has now concluded
In mid-2022, we sought your feedback on the final draft landscape plan and preliminary concept design as part of the public exhibition stage.
Submissions were welcomed until 5pm on Monday 15 August 2022.We will review your feedback and make changes as appropriate. To stay updated, please 'follow' this page.