City of Parramatta Cultural Strategy

Culture is the way in which our community expresses its past, its present and its aspirations for the future.

It's expressed through various art forms, events and activities, technologies, platforms, and social practices which define our community's values.

The City of Parramatta is refreshing it's Cultural Strategy to make Parramatta a global cultural destination.

Exploring the issues

These are some questions for you to consider before sharing your ideas.

What do you think is unique and special about Parramatta's cultural scene?

What are the current challenges and opportunities for the cultural scene in Parramatta?

How can Council further support the cultural life of our city and neighbourhoods?

What do you see in Parramatta's future cultural scene? In five years, in ten years and more?

How can we best celebrate First Nations culture as the foundation of our city?

Stage one consultation now closed

Learn more about the preparation of Council's draft Cultural Strategy in our 'Frequently Asked Questions' section below. The community were invited to provide input in late 2023 prior to the drafting of the document.

Feedback closed at 5pm on Monday 13 November 2023.We will come back to you in 2024 for your feedback during a formal public exhibition period. Please follow this page to stay updated.

Your ideas!


What cultural activities and events would you like to see in the next ten years across Parramatta?

Other ways to provide feedback

Click here
Please note that the verbal submission option is being offered for those that cannot provide or may find it difficult to provide a written submission.

Subject: Strategy Refresh - Cultural Strategy

City of Parramatta Council
Attn: City Strategy
Subject: Strategy Refresh - Cultural Strategy
PO Box 32, Parramatta NSW 2124

Please ensure that you clearly state your full name, contact details and address.

Frequently Asked Questions