Planning Proposal, Draft Planning Agreement and Draft Site-Specific Development Control Plan at 19 Hope Street, Melrose Park and 69-77 Hughes Avenue, Ermington (also known as the Tomola site)

Public exhibition - now closed

In mid-2024, the City of Parramatta Council publicly exhibited a Planning Proposal, draft Planning Agreement and draft Development Control Plan (DCP) for land at 19 Hope Street, Melrose Park and 69-77 Hughes Avenue, Ermington, also known as the Tomola site. The site is part of the Melrose Park Urban Renewal precinct.

Council invited formal submissions of feedback until 5pm on Thursday 18 July 2024. Consideration of submissions made on the Planning Proposal, draft Site-Specific DCP and draft Planning Agreement is now taking place ahead of reports being prepared for future Local Planning Panel and Council Meetings.

If you have any further queries regarding this matter, please contact the Major Projects and Precincts team on 02 9806 5050

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Changes to Planning Controls

This Planning Proposal seeks to amend the controls in Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2023 (PLEP 2023) to facilitate a future mixed-use development and public open space. The proposed PLEP 2023 controls to be amended are shown below:

Existing LEP Controls

Proposed LEP Controls


Part E4 General Industrial


Part R2 Low Density Residential (3,694sqm)

Part MU1 Mixed Use


Part RE1 Public Recreation


Maximum Building Height (HOB)

Part 9m (R2 zone)

Part 12m (E4 zone)


(Approx 4-14 storeys)

There will be no height control applicable on the RE1 Public Recreation Land

Maximum Floor Space Ratio (FSR)

Part 0.5:1 (R2 land)

Part 1:1 (E4 land)

2.67:1 (MU1 land only)

Approx. 14,070 sqm residential GFA (161 units) and 1,630 sqm commercial GFA

There will be no FSR control applicable on the RE1 Public Recreation Land

This Planning Proposal aligns with Council’s adopted Melrose Park Structure Plan that establishes a guide for the future land uses and built form to be established in the Precinct.

A site-specific section in the Parramatta DCP has been prepared with detailed controls applying to the Tomola site. Any future development application will need to have regard to these provisions should this matter proceed.

The image below illustrates the Tomola site (bottom left) in the context of the proposed development of surrounding sites.Tomola

Tomola site context within the Melrose Park North Precinct

Draft Planning Agreement

A draft Planning Agreement has been negotiated with the landowner to provide the requisite supporting infrastructure. The draft Planning Agreement is worth approximately $3.4M and proposes the following:

  • The provision of two (2) 2-bedroom affordable housing units with a total of two allocated parking bays, dedicated to Council in perpetuity.
  • Landscaping, embellishment and dedication to Council of new public open space with a total area of 2,673m2

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