Rates Harmonisation

Rates are a vital source of income for Council which help fund essential services such as waste collection and provide new and upgraded infrastructure such as local roads, trees, signage and community facilities.

All amalgamated councils in NSW are required to review their rate structures by July 2021, to ensure an equitable and consistent approach across the Council area. This process is called 'rates harmonisation'.

Summary of Changes

At the meeting of Monday 8 March 2021 the council discussed and approved the new rates structure which was exhibited in late 2020 and early 2021.

Motions passed by Council

a) That Council approves the new proposed rates structure, which has been out for community consultation.

b) That Council seeks approval from the Minister for Local Government to increase the minimum ordinary rates for any rating category or subcategory that is above the statutory limit.

c) That the new proposed rates structure is included as part of the 2021/2022 Delivery Program and Operational Plan and Budget.

d) That Council notes that the former CBD Special Rate Levy was levied on business properties contained within the former Parramatta LGA CBD and is proposed to be incorporated across business rates in the City of Parramatta LGA CBD.

e) That Council establishes from 1 July 2021 a new internally restricted reserve (the “CBD Infrastructure Internal Reserve” (“New Reserve”)) for the same purpose as the CBD Infrastructure Special Rate (“CISR”) and that:

i. The New Reserve be increased each year by an amount equal to the CISR levy in 2020/21, adjusted by the IPART rate-peg for the relevant year and funded from general reserves;

ii. consistent with the current CISR levy, the purpose of the New Reserve will be to provide resources for the improvements to CBD infrastructure that will attract additional business to the Parramatta CBD area, including street paving, security, street furniture, street lighting, and a CBD river foreshore enhancement;

iii. all projects to be funded from the New Reserve be approved by the Council as part of the annual budget process.

f) Further, that a report comes back to the Council on the establishment of an Open Space and Embellishment Internal Reserve.

On 6 May 2021, the Minister for Local Government approved that Council may make and levy the following minimum rates:

  • Residential rates - minimum of $707.50
  • Business Ordinary rates - minimum of $500
  • Business CBD rates - minimum of $725
  • Business Industrial rates - minimum of $725

The amount paid in rates and the proposed changes will vary from property to property based on land values and other factors.

For more information about how rates are calculated and the changes please also read the Summary Brochure in the RESOURES section of this page.

If you have any questions about your rates please contact the team via email rates@cityofparramatta.nsw.gov.au or call Council and ask for a Rates officer via 1300 617 058.

Council is committed to making sure everyone can access the information they need. If you would you like information in another language or format, please call 1300 617 058 or email rates@cityofparramatta.nsw.gov.au

If you would like to speak to someone over the phone in another language, call TIS National on 131 450 for a free interpreting service. Let them know you want to speak to City of Parramatta Council and your chosen language and they will connect you.