A local environmental plan is a legal document that guides planning decisions by local governments. It is prepared by Council and approved by the State Government. The LEP is an important planning tool that helps shape the future of our area and ensures development is done appropriately.
The development control plan provides detailed planning and design rules to support the local environmental plan. These rules are often referred to as ‘controls’ and includes standards such as storm water drainage, landscaping, parking, access, urban design.
A land use zone is a classification that establishes the type of development that is allowed or not allowed in a particular location. Zones are used to locate compatible uses together.
For example, some land may be zoned for mainly residential uses, while other land can be zoned for mainly business uses.
LEPs include ‘land use tables’ that identify which specific uses are allowed or not allowed in a particular zone.
You can find out which zone applies to your area on the NSW Planning Portal planningportal.nsw.gov.au. You can also apply to Council for a Section 10.7 Planning Certificate, which will identify the zoning that applies to your site and the land use plans that apply.
Consolidating the LEPs and DCPs could result in some changes to the current planning controls applying to certain areas and/or types of development. These changes could include:
- What types of development are allowed in a particular land use zone, including where dual occupancies can be built and the design requirements for these developments.
- Changes to height and floor space ratio controls applying to residential zones.
- Changes to car parking, biodiversity and tree protection controls.
- A limited number of suggested changes to the zoning of some sites are suggested to enable the harmonisation of land use plans.
You can contact the Land Use Planning Harmonisation team on (02) 9806 5050 or via email at planningharmonisation@cityofparramatta.nsw.gov.au