Land Use Planning Harmonisaton

Project Overview

Council reviewed the many land use plans that apply to different parts of the City of Parramatta area. This process will create a clear and more consistent set of planning controls, and lead to the development of a new consolidated local environment plan (LEP) and development control plan (DCP) that will apply across the entire City of Parramatta Local Government Area (LGA).

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on theLand Use Planning Harmonisation Discussion Paper.

Council asked you to consider various suggestions for changes to planning controls. Your input will help shape a new land use planning framework. While more work is being done, here is what you told us in response to key questions we asked you to consider in the Land Use Planning Harmonisation Discussion Paper. Click on the image below to find out more.

Why is Council harmonising land use plans?

In May 2016, the new City of Parramatta area was created from parts of the former council areas of Auburn, Holroyd, Hornsby, Parramatta and The Hills. As a result, different land use plans and controls (five LEPs and nine DCPs) apply to different parts of the Parramatta area. This has created an inconsistent and complex policy framework with different rules applying in different areas. For example, different rules sometimes apply to different sides of the same street.

In consolidating multiple sets of rules into one planning framework, we have the opportunity to ensure we preserve and protect the best aspects of our neighbourhoods and plan more effectively for the future.

About the Land Use Planning Harmonisation Discussion Paper

As a key part of the process, Council has prepared theLand Use Planning Harmonisation Discussion Paper. It identifies the differences between the existing LEPs and DCPs that currently apply in the Parramatta LGA and suggests options for how local planning controls could be consolidated.

For some issues, this process could result in changes to the current planning controls applying to certain areas and/or types of development, including:

  • what types of development are allowed in a particular land use zone, including where dual occupancies can be built and the design requirements for these types of development
  • changes to height and floor space ratio controls applying to residential zones
  • changes to car parking, biodiversity and tree protection controls
  • a limited number of changes to the zoning of some areas.

It is important to note that Council is NOT proposing to increase the densities of any areas of the LGA through this process.

You can access the FULL version of the Land Use Planning Discussion Paper in English.

A SUMMARY of the discussion paper is also available in the resources section in Arabic, English, Hindi, Korean and Simplified Chinese.

Unavoidably, some planning language has been used throughout these documents and the associated questions.

Draft Local Environmental Plan

See how your feedback on land use planning informed the Draft LEP by clicking below.