Civic Link - Block 3 - Concept Design Archive

Project update - Refined concept design endorsed by Council

Thank you to everyone that participated in public exhibition! At its meeting on Monday 27 May 2024 City of Parramatta Council resolved to approve the refined concept design (see Refined Concept Design) for progression to detailed design, planning and technical approvals, and documentation for tender.

To read the Council report and meeting minutes please click here. Please follow this page to stay updated.

Setting the scene


Council, in partnership with the NSW Government, is working to transform the heart of Parramatta with our Civic Link.

When completed, Civic Link will be a green and activated pedestrian spine running from Parramatta Square to the Parramatta River. Civic Link will be the piece of the puzzle connecting Parramatta Square’s railway and light rail, the future Sydney Metrowest, and the Powerhouse Parramatta Museum at the river’s edge. It will be a place that invites our local residents and visitors to shop, sit, gather and move through.

This transformational project is being delivered in four phases – one phase for each block:

  1. Block 1: Parramatta Square – Delivered by Council
  2. Block 2: Sydney Metro West – To be delivered by NSW Government
  3. Block 3: Horwood Place – our focus now
  4. Block 4: Powerhouse Museum – To be delivered by NSW Government

Unlike the other nearby NSW Government projects, Block 3 will be implemented without the redevelopment of adjacent properties.

The draft concept design

We’ve developed a design for Block 3 following consultation with local businesses and stakeholders. The design draws inspiration from Parramatta’s history and connection with the River to create a space that inspires calm and tranquillity as people move through the heart of our City.

The draft concept design will enable people to walk and cycle comfortably through the city, with wide pedestrian boulevards shaded by a green tree canopy. It also gives people places to pause, rest, and meet up with friends and family with a variety of formal and informal seating options.

Key design elements include:

  • The Green Spine: A green canopy from mature trees and shrubbery will create a vibrant frame as people journey through.
  • The Ribbon: Customised street furniture threading through the green spine, changing along the path to create diverse seating options.
  • The Water Story: A design feature that directs and harvests local run off to treatment areas in the embedded gardens to improve water quality and move water down to the River
  • Pedestrian Boulevard: Widened paths to accommodate anticipated increases in foot traffic and ensure access for emergency service vehicles. The design also incorporates smart lighting and CCTV along with dynamic and static wayfinding.

To deliver these planned works, Council is proposing to close Horwood Place to through traffic, between Phillip St and George St, from January 2025. Vehicular access will remain open to Auctioneer Lane and Erby Place (Eat Street) carpark via George St, with a single carriage lane each way. Thirty (30) on-street car parking spaces will be permanently removed on Horwood Place, and a double loading zone relocated to opposite No. 32 Phillip St.Traffic conditions at the George St intersection with Horwood Place remain the same.

To view the draft concept design, scroll down the page or download the PDF from the resources section.

Public exhibition now closed

Take a closer look at what we have planned by viewing the fly through video and exploring the draft concept design below.

Submissions were welcomed until 5pm on Monday 15 April 2024.

Hover the image to see the site transform!



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