Good and Bridge Streets Upgrade

Thank you to everyone who contributed over the past 12 months, your feedback has informed the upgrades which were completed in early 2023.

Across June and July 2019 as part of the initial community consultation, Council asked you what kind of improvements you would like to see at Good and Bridge Streets. Suggestions and preferred upgrades included:

  • Tree planting
  • Installation of multipurpose smart poles and lights
  • New pavement
  • Better active transport links (paths for walking and cycling)
  • New street furniture
  • Convert Good Street to one-way south bound for vehicular traffic (between Bridge Street & Cowper Street) - reducing vehicular speeds & improving pedestrian safety.

During the final round of consultation, we heard that 95% of the participants supported all or most of the proposed upgrades!

“I agree with all the upgrades as they will add more visual appeal, encourage use of the area due to improved appeal and access.” - Community member

To find out more about what we heard from the most recent consultation on the final concept plans check out the 'Feedback' section below.

View the plans below or in the resource section

Construction is now complete!

Located on the northern side of Granville Station, upgrades completed in early 2023 to Good Street and Bridge Street now offer residents, workers and visitors improved public spaces and amenity.

This upgrade utilises the latest technologies to increase convenience, connectivity and safety, and update the look and feel of the streetscape.

On site heritage interpretation identifies and celebrates the streets historical architectural significance and creates a sense of place. Check it out below!

Key design features

  • Removal of kerb and gutter in Good Street, widened kerb ramps and a new flush raised pedestrian threshold crossing Bridge Street to improve accessibility for pedestrians and cyclists.
  • Heritage Investigations Report was commissioned and used to influence streetscape materials and furniture selections as well as the development of onsite heritage interpretive elements.
  • Smart streetscape elements which can be used to gauge the upgrades impacts on gentrification, the environment, safety and patronage over time including:
    • CCTV
    • People counting devices
    • Temperature sensors
    • Humidity sensors
    • Particulate matter sensors
    • Automated misting along Good Street
    • Smart digital screen with bus, train, weather and sensor data information
    • Self-compacting solar bins
    • Mobile phone power recharge tables
  • The site previously had no tree planting and the upgrade has provided the planting of 27 new mature trees.
  • Widened pedestrian pavement in Good Street between Cowper and Bridge Streets from 3.5m to 5.8m to allow for future activation opportunities such as outdoor dining.


  1. No works proposed
  2. New concrete kerb
  3. New multi-functional light poles
  4. Remove raise roundabout
  5. Light box and photographic panels
  6. Smart bin, street furniture and recharge point
  7. Heritage interpretation
  8. Extended pedestrian pavement
  9. Upgrade kerb ramps
  10. Cobblestone entry to laneway
  11. Seats with armrests and backrests
  12. One way traffic
  13. Seats with arm and back rests
  14. Flush roadway and pavement
  15. New catenary roadway lighting system
  16. Smart bin, stools and recharge table
  17. New pavement
  18. New pavement and tree planting
  19. New kerb and gutter
  20. New pavement and tree planting
  21. New multi-functional light poles
  22. New roundabout
  23. New raised crossing
  24. New extended pavement
  25. New pavement

View of the Good Street improvements