Good and Bridge Streets Upgrade

Frequently Asked Questions

A 'smart' or 'future' city is one that embraces innovative strategies and technologies around landscape, infrastructure and technology to make our cities, suburbs and towns more liveable, productive and sustainable.

It is a holistic approach to our streetscapes so that when streets are designed they now actively consider environmental factors, activations, economic development and technology to create a better overall user experience.

Examples of smart technology:

  • CCTV and related security systems
  • Environmental monitoring systems
  • Transport information
  • Smartphone applications
  • Websites

Parramatta will be a smart city that leverages the foundations of good urban planning, transparent governance, open data and enabling technologies that will support our position as a vibrant, people-centric, connected and economically prosperous city.

Through the advancement of technology and data analytics, our city streets are a changing landscape. The street is the ultimate public space. It is the space for everyone, and the connections between buildings, transport systems and other spaces.

Some areas of existing on-street parking in Good and Bridge Streets did not meet current Australian Standards.

Parking availability in these streets has been slightly reduced, however parking opportunities were maximised in accordance with current Australian Standards.

Good Street between Cowper and Bridge Streets has been converted to 40km/hour one way southbound with parking lanes either side and speed humps (Carriage way 2.9m wide and parking lanes 2.8m wide) to facilities a pedestrian friendly, activated street.

This has facilitated the upgraded and extended pavement with 1.8m clear path and 3.7m wide furniture/activation zone (outdoor dining etc) to improve pedestrian safety, provide activation opportunities and mature tree planting.

  • We have removed the raised refuge islands (near the roundabout) along Cowper Street and replaced with line marking. Previous pedestrian refuges were subject to major vehicular overhang particularly from buses and trucks. They provided a false sense of security for pedestrians creating an unsafe crossing environment. Replacing these eliminates the false sense of security for pedestrians and safety issues regarding vehicular overhang.
  • Upgraded kerb ramps to improve access
  • New raised pedestrian crossing with priority cycleway crossing flush with pedestrian pavement to improve access across Bridge Street

The proposal provides a single 30m length bus zone on the northern side of Bridge Street between Good Street and Cowper Street for both the west and east-bound N60 late night bus service.