Exhibition of a Planning Proposal
The City of Parramatta Council is publicly exhibiting a Planning Proposal for land at 124 Wigram Street, Harris Park. The site is within the Parramatta CBD.

(Location of site)
Changes to Planning Controls
The Planning Proposal aims to increase the permitted height of buildings control to better align with the permissible floor space ratio and to facilitate development of the site for high density commercial or mixed use development. Specifically, the Planning Proposal seeks to amend the Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2023 (PLEP 2023) by increasing the maximum permissible building height in the Height of Buildings Map as follows:
- From 72 metres (21 storeys mixed use) to 103 metres (32 storeys mixed use) – excluding bonuses
- From 82.8 metres (24 storeys mixed use) to 118.45 metres (36 storeys mixed use) - including bonuses
Public exhibition - Have your say!
The Planning Proposal for land at 124 Wigram Street, Harris Park is currently on public exhibition from 9am on Tuesday 4 February until 5pm on Wednesday 5 March 2025.
A post-exhibition planning report, including a summary of submissions received during the exhibition period, will be reported to Council following the public exhibition period.
The Planning Proposal and supporting information can be viewed on this Council webpage and also at:
- City of Parramatta Library: Levels 1 & 2, PHIVE, 5 Parramatta Square, Parramatta: Monday to Thursday, 9am to 8pm; Friday to Sunday, 9am to 5pm
Written comments are invited via:
Council is authorised as the local plan-making authority as confirmed in the Gateway Determination. Have your say on the proposed changes, submissions close at 5pm on Wednesday 5 March 2025.