One of the seven open spaces included in the master planned area is Dan Mahoney Reserve. In 2018, asbestos contamination was found beneath the surface of Dan Mahoney Reserve. Interim spot treatments are keeping the site safe in the short-term, however permanent treatment of the whole site, including an improved capping layer, is required to ensure the park stays safe long into the future. Further information about Dan Mahoney’s remediation is available on a dedicated Council website.
Because Dan Mahoney Reserve will be remediated and upgraded as a first priority due to asbestos contamination, Council asked for more detailed and specific feedback about this site during the first round of consultation and then sectioned that upgrade project off so that it could proceed through site investigations and detailed design. The Heart of Play masterplan includes programmatic proposals for the site, especially to address how it connects to adjacent open spaces. However, all proposals for the site are pending feasibility based on site investigations.
Planning for treatment of Dan Mahoney Reserve provides Council with an opportunity to re-design and upgrade the park to best meet the needs of our community.
Council identified a need for more sporting space in the area to service Parramatta’s growing community. Council is therefore considering returning parts of Dan Mahoney Reserve to its previous uses: an off-leash dog park and a sporting/recreational space (the site was previously a hockey field).
Phase One Consultation
Thank you to everyone who had their say on Dan Mahoney Reserve during our first submission period from 29 June – 3 August 2020. Our engagement consultants compiled a detailed report and summary of the community’s input:
- Summary of Dan Mahoney Reserve community input
- Summary of full Heart of Play master plan report
- Full report on community input for the Heart of Play master plan (includes a section about the more detailed consultation for Dan Mahoney Reserve on page 43)
Council will be incorporating as many of your suggestions as possible into the draft designs. Council will be considering community feedback along with further site investigations and constraints like contamination, historical uses and significance, and long-term strategic aims to balance current need with the needs of future generations. These considerations are summarised in the Heart of Play Background Report.
Community input is also considered alongside all relevant strategies, which can be found on Council's website, such as the Community Infrastructure Strategy, Environmental Sustainability Strategy, Disability Inclusion Action Plan and many more, which were also informed by the community’s input. Council’s consideration of these strategies holds us accountable to consider data-informed outcomes for such an impactful project.
Because Dan Mahoney Reserve is a fast-track component of the Heart of Play master plan due to asbestos contamination, we collected more detailed feedback about this park during our first round of consultation.
Thank you to everyone who had their say on the Heart of Play during our first submission period from 29 June – 3 August 2020. Our engagement consultants compiled a detailed report and summary of the community’s input:
- Summary of full Heart of Play master plan report
- Full report on community input for the Heart of Play master plan
- Council incorporated as many of your suggestions as possible into the draft designs, which were exhibited for feedback and refinement twice in 2021. Council also considered site constraints like contamination, historical uses and significance, and long-term strategic aims to balance current need with the needs of future generations. These considerations are summarised in the Heart of Play Background Report.
Community input was also considered alongside all relevant strategies, which can be found on Council's website, such as the Community Infrastructure Strategy, Environmental Sustainability Strategy, Disability Inclusion Action Plan and many more, which were also informed by the community’s input. Council’s consideration of these strategies holds us accountable to consider data-informed outcomes for such an impactful project.
Throughout April and May 2021, Council sought feedback on the draft Heart of Play master plan and proposed actions for each park.
The proposed actions align with four principles that were developed based on previous community input:
- A connected and accessible network of parks
- A welcoming place for all to play, day and night
- Improved spaces for active sport and recreation
- A healthy and sustainable environment
Community and stakeholder engagement included a range of activities: an online survey; community pop-up sessions; and an online webinar. Email, phone and postal submissions were also welcomed.
The Heart of Play Master Plan Phase 2 Engagement Outcomes Report provides details on the themes that emerged from the community and stakeholder engagement.
Findings from this report were used to inform amendments to the draft master plan.