Planning Proposal, Draft Planning Agreement and Draft Site-Specific Development Control Plan at 263-281 Pennant Hills Road, Carlingford (previously known as 263-273 Pennant Hills Road and 18 Shirley Street, Carlingford)

Public exhibition now closed

Public exhibition closed at 5pm on Wednesday 24 April 2024.

Project update - August 2024

The Planning Proposal, Draft Planning Agreement and Draft Site-Specific Development Control Plan were considered by the Local Planning Panel on Thursday 23 May 2024 and endorsed by Council on Monday 22 July 2024.

Post exhibition amendments to the Planning Proposal, DCP and VPA include:

  • A reduction in proposed heights for blocks A, D, E and G.
    • Block A is proposed to be reduced from the exhibited height of 110m to 84m.
    • Block D is proposed to be reduced from the exhibited height of 110m to 65m.
    • Block E is proposed to be reduced from the exhibited height of 56m to 46m.
    • Block G is proposed to be reduced from the exhibited height of 56m to 33m which is the current height under the Parramatta LEP 2023.
  • Addition of the Community Link to the Land Reservation Acquisition Map as it will now be dedicated to Council as part of the Planning Agreement. The Community Link is an approximately 687m² portion of proposed RE1 Public Recreation zoned land adjacent to the Community Hub.
  • Minor amendments to RE1 Public Recreation zoned land where it overlaps with a proposed internal road.
  • Amendments to the Site-Specific Development Control Plan to refine proposed controls.

The public exhibition was viewed 7,076 times during the consultation period by 3,644 unique visitors. Documents were downloaded 1,497 times over the course of the exhibition by 564 unique participants.

Council received 132 submissions. Thank you to everyone who participated. Links to the Council report (including the Engagement Report) and Council minutes can be found in the Project Timeline.


City of Parramatta Council exhibited amendments to the Parramatta Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2023 with a draft Planning Agreement and a draft Site-Specific Development Control Plan (DCP) for the site at 263-281 Pennant Hills Road, Carlingford (previously known as 263-273 Pennant Hills Road and 18 Shirley Street, Carlingford) in March and April of 2024. Refer to the site map below.

The proposal seeks to increase density on the site and reconfigure the existing zoning.

Location map.

Changes to the Planning Controls

Council exhibited changes to the Parramatta LEP 2023. Key aspects of the Planning Proposal are:

  • Reconfiguring the existing R4 High Density Residential and RE1 Public Open Space zones.
  • Increasing the Maximum Height of Building control from 27m on the Pennant Hills Road frontage to 110m and from 33m on the remainder of the R4 zoned portion of the site to 56m.
  • Increasing the Maximum Floor Space Ratio control for the R4 High Density Residential zoned land from 2.3:1 to 3.6:1.
  • Amending Schedule 1 Additional Permitted Uses to increase the maximum gross floor area of parts of the buildings used for business premises, food and drink premises, recreational facilities (indoor) and shops on the R4 High Density Residential zoned part of the site from 2,000 sqm to 2,600 sqm.
  • Amending the LEP Land Reservation Acquisition map to include a portion of RE1 Public Open Space land that will be dedicated to Council.

The proposed changes seek to allow an increase of 197 residential units, a 600 sqm increase in retail floor space, a childcare centre, a new central park, and a community hub including a community centre and library. Buildings will range in height from 8 storeys to 29 storeys.

Draft Planning Agreement

Council has negotiated a draft Planning Agreement with the developer in accordance with Council’s Planning Agreements Policy (2018) and the Department of Planning and Environment’s Planning Agreements Practice Note – February 2021. The Draft Planning Agreement proposes:

  • Dedication of a 2,500 sqm community hub which will be fitted out by Council, which includes a library and community centre with 20 parking spaces.
  • Provision and dedication of public open space to Council.
  • Provision of publicly accessible open space via public easement
  • A monetary contribution equivalent to the Section 7.11 Contributions, which Council plans to allocate towards the fit-out of the community hub and open space within the vicinity of the site.

Reference diagram

Reference diagram.

Draft Site-Specific Development Control Plan (DCP)

Council also exhibiteda draft Site-Specific DCP to guide future development for the site. The draft DCP will be added as a new section to the Parramatta Development Control Plan 2023. The draft DCP includes objectives and controls that intend to:

  • Facilitate relevant site-specific built form and public domain requirements.
  • Facilitate community facilities design requirements.
  • Facilitate sustainability, landscape and water management requirements.
  • Facilitate open space and pedestrian connections requirements.
  • Facilitate vehicle access and parking requirements.

Proposed site plan

Proposed site plan.

>> Download the Project Summary in English and Chinese Simplfied.

Contact us

If you have any further queries regarding this matter, please contact City of Parramatta’s Major Projects and Precincts team on 02 9806 5050.

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