The newly created Land Dedication Policy provides a framework for managing the Dedication of Land to Council, to ensure the acceptance of such land is in the public interest. This Policy aims to ensure that only suitable land is dedicated to Council, which will provide quality infrastructure, opportunities, and services to meet diverse community needs and expectations.
This Policy applies to all land proposed to be dedicated to City of Parramatta Council (Council), including:
(a) as part of a request to amend a planning instrument (such as a planning proposal), pursuant to Part 3 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW) (EP&A Act);
(b) as part of a development application made pursuant to Part 4 of the EP&A Act;
(c) offers of Planning Agreements made pursuant to Part 7 of the EP&A Act; or
(d) for reasons outside of the EP&A Act.
This Policy does not apply to the strategic acquisition of land by Council.