85-91 Thomas Street, Parramatta

Public exhibition closed at 5 pm on Wednesday 17 November 2021.

Exhibition of Planning Proposal, Draft Development Control Plan and Draft Planning Agreement

In late 2021, City of Parramatta Council publicly exhibited amendments to the Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2011, Parramatta Development Control Plan 2011, and a Draft Planning Agreement for a site at 85-91 Thomas Street, Parramatta. The proposal sought to amend the zoning, height, and floor space ratio controls on the site to facilitate development of two 6-storey apartment buildings including land dedication of environmentally sensitive land along the river foreshore to Council at nil cost.

To learn more about the proposal, please see the Project Summary and Frequently Asked Questions document in the Useful resources section and Explanatory Note of the Draft Planning Agreement in the Exhibition materials section.


Public exhibition closed at 5:00pm on Wednesday 17 November 2021. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback.

The Planning Proposal was reported to the Local Planning Panel on 15 February 2022. The Local Planning Panel did not support the Planning Proposal. Council then considered the outcomes of the public exhibition of the Planning Proposal on 14 March 2022. Council resolved not to support the Planning Proposal, draft site-specific DCP and draft Planning Agreement for finalisation.
