Mobbs Lane Reserve Playground Upgrades

Draft Concept Design for new playground finalised

Mobbs Lane Reserve Playground is located in a secluded bushland setting at 53 Mobbs Lane, Epping. Closest access is via the carpark fronting Mobbs Lane; there is also a path which connects to the neighbouring apartments.

In 2022, the community provided feedback to Council in two rounds of consultation, helping our design team understand community needs and choose new playground equipment.

The project was placed on hold for a while, but we are now ready to deliver on our promise to the community!

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback. To learn more about what we heard, refer to the Stage One Consultation section below.

To shade or not to shade?

If you have visited Mobbs Lane Reserve Playground recently, you may have noticed the shade sails have been taken down. These were removed on a trial basis in July 2024.


We spoke to playground visitors, and they told us the playground was dark, damp and cold in winter. Given the large number of mature trees around the playground, fallen leaves and branches collected on top of the sails, and were very difficult to remove.

What's next?

With the shade sails already taken down, we are planning to remove the shade sail poles while the playground is being upgraded.

Please tell us what you think by completing the online survey below.

Get involved and have your say!

You are invited to have your say on the draft concept design prepared for the Mobbs Lane Reserve Playground upgrade.

Written submissions are invited via:

Submissions are welcome until 5pm on Monday 7 April 2025.

Next steps

All feedback will be reviewed to ensure we are on the right track with the design. After this, we will finalise the plans and proceed to construction. Please follow this page to receive updates on this project.

Interactive Map

Explore the features of the new playground

Click here
Please note that the verbal submission option is being offered for those that cannot provide or may find it difficult to provide a written submission.

Subject: Mobbs Lane Reserve Playground Upgrades

City of Parramatta Council
Attn: Open Space Team
Subject: Mobbs Lane Reserve Playground Upgrades
PO Box 32, Parramatta NSW 2124

Please ensure that you clearly state your full name, contact details and address.

Stage one consultation

The current playground offers an active play space in a shady reserve with picnic tables and a shelter nearby. Council is proposing to replace the playground equipment under the City of Parramatta Playground Replacement Program.

Currently, the playground has ‘skill based’ play type elements that cater mostly to juniors (6-12 years) and consists of:

  • A play gym with climbing walls and spiral slide
  • Bus themed cubby with noughts and crosses
  • Double swing
  • See-saw rocker

In line with the City of Parramatta Community Infrastructure Strategythe upgrade will provide an increase in the ‘natural’, ‘sensory’ and ‘imaginative’ play type elements, and ensure that the playground is suitable to both pre-schoolers (aged 0-5) and juniors (aged 6-12). These recommendations and your feedback will help guide what the playground upgrade will include!

As this is a local playground upgrade, the scope of possible inclusions are limited by the available budget. Check out what is in-scope and out-of-scope below.


  • New play equipment
  • Playground surface upgrade
  • New seating
  • New bin enclosure
  • Additional planting


  • New fencing and toilets
  • Water playground or splash pad
  • New location within reserve

Community engagement

Over two stages of engagement, Council asked for feedback from the local community on the proposed upgrade. During stage one, which closed at 5pm on Wednesday 23 March 2022, we asked you to tell us what you like about the park, how you use this playground and what you would like to see included.

What you said

Based on what you said during stage one, over 85% of children using the playground are aged between 0 to 5 years and 85.5% of users walk to the playground.

According to your comments and requests, the primary considerations for the play equipment proposals include:

  • Swings
  • Climbing equipment
  • Slides, particularly the retention of the spiral slide which gave the park its name as 'the Dizzy Slide Park'
  • Nature play equipment, such as logs
  • A new theme for the playground, mainly centred around nature and bushland
  • More accessible and inclusive play opportunities

Other ‘out of the scope’ suggestions include:

  • Fencing for dogs and enclosing the playground with fencing
  • Exercise/fitness equipment.

Despite the extensive shade provided by the tree canopy, people value the shade structures. The existing shade cloth could be improved and Council is exploring shade cloth options, however, this is subject to available funds for the overall project.

Frequently asked questions

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