Wilderline to Duck River Pedestrian and Cyclist Paths

Council is proposing to deliver pedestrian and cycling paths which will connect the Wilderline (the former T6 rail line re-imagined) to the M4 Shared Path (Duck River North) and Duck River South (Cumberland LGA).

The delivery of these paths will create a continuous walking and cycling link connecting Parramatta, Rosehill, Camellia and Sydney Olympic Park to Granville. It will build on the existing open space assets along the Duck River to establish the corridor as a regional scale connection that celebrates improved access to the environment, diverse ecologies and recreational open space.

Project overview

Public exhibition

This exhibition closed at 5pm on Tuesday 7 May 2024. Thank you to everyone that provided feedback. Council officers will review all submissions and make changes to the draft concept design as required in response. Following this a report will be prepared for Council's consideration.

Please follow this page to stay updated.

Project description

The proposed 2km corridor is comprised of three sections:

  • T6 (Wilderline) to Parramatta Road

The proposed path is an asphalt path with steel edging and lighting. Amenity planting and landscape works are also to be delivered, subject to contamination investigations.

  • T6 (Wilderline) to M4 Shared Path

Council is proposing to deliver a raised priority crossing for the M4 shared path on Arthur Street, along with a new pedestrian path on the eastern verge and a bike path on both Arthur Street and Hamilton Street. To support the delivery of these paths, Council is also looking at opportunities to create shade and provide lighting.

In order to deliver these works, Council is proposing that 27 on-street parking spaces be re-purposed to create room for the paths. As part of this process, Council conducted a parking survey of the siteon weekdays and weekends to ensure a sufficient number of on-street parking remains to accommodate the needs of all users.

  • Parramatta Road to Clyde Station

There are a number of challenges in the delivery of a cycleway from Parramatta Road through Clyde due to:

  • The narrow streets
  • The variable lots
  • The limited opportunities for additional planting
  • The high use of allocated parking and verges by cars

Council undertook a feasibility study, funded by the NSW State Government, which found Berry Street to be the most feasible option with the least impact to local business. Of the options, it has the most road crossings but least verge parking and also aligns with an existing M4 connection to Kendall Street on the north-east.

This option also has the smallest impact to on-street car parking. Berry Street is currently one way southbound so there would be no changes to the circulation and most of the parking on both sides of the street can be retained.

In the delivery of the paths, three parking spaces are anticipated to be re-purposed for the paths, two at the south to allow for large vehicle access to warehouses and one in the north where an additional vehicle could park south of the Berry Street lights. One parking spot on Sutherland Street would be repurposed to meet the statutory no stopping requirements for a crossing. The bottom end of Berry Street would be converted to a shared zone, with all existing parking spaces retained.

To view the draft concept design, scroll down the page for a high level overview of what we have planned or download the PDF from the resources section for a more detailed look.

Interactive design

Wilderline to Duck River Pedestrian and Cyclist Path

In addition to this project, Council is working to deliver a range of pedestrian and cyclist routes to help you get around off-road. Watch the video to learn more about what we have planned!

Frequently asked questions