Melrose Park North

The Planning Proposal was finalised on 24 June 2022.

Council resolved to endorse the Planning Proposal, site-specific DCP and Planning Agreement at its meeting of 11 October 2021. To view the Minutes from this meeting, please visit Council’s Business Paper page.

The Planning Proposal was finalised by the Department of Planning on 24 June 2022 as Amendment 59 to the Parramatta LEP 2011 (now Parramatta LEP 2023). Amendment 59 contains a deferred commence clause. Once this clause comes into effect, the site-specific DCP for Melrose Park North will be included within Section 8 of the Parramatta DCP 2023.

The City of Parramatta Council re-exhibited an amended draft Planning Agreement for the site at 38-42, 44 & 44A Wharf Road, Melrose Park and 27-29 Hughes Avenue and 657 Victoria Road, Ermington (Payce Site).

Re-exhibition of this Planning Agreement was required as a result of Council adopting the Parramatta (Outside CBD) Development Contributions Plan in July 2021. The Planning Agreement subject to re-exhibition retains the same value and infrastructure items as previously exhibited; however, makes changes to the applicable development contribution rates.

The Sekisui & Deicorp Planning Agreement was executed in July 2023. The Planning Agreement is valued at approximately $96M and includes thefollowing items:

  • Land dedication for public open space and its embellishment
  • Social and community benefits including affordable rental housing, smart cities, Ermington Community Hub and a shuttle bus service; and
  • Road infrastructure benefits

Council officers are currently negotiating Planning Agreements for the remaining two sites within the Planning Proposal area at 8 Wharf Road, Melrose Park and 15-19 Hughes Avenue and 655 Victoria Road, Ermington.


Project History


The Melrose Park precinct is on the eastern edge of the City of Parramatta Council Local Government Area (LGA) and is in the process of transforming from an industrial area to one that will provide for mixed use development including high density residential, open space, retail/commercial uses, and a new school. Planning for the redevelopment of this precinct began in 2016 when Council endorsed the Parramatta Employment Lands Strategy which identifies this precinct as being suitable for non-industrial development. As a result, Council has received Planning Proposal applications to rezone various sites within the precinct to allow non-industrial uses.

Amended Draft Planning Agreement

The proposed changes to the version previously exhibited in April/May 2021 relate to Section 8 of the draft Planning Agreement. It specifies that the development contributions rates applicable to the development are those contained within the Parramatta Section 94A Contributions Plan 20011 (Amendment No. 5) and not those within the recently adopted Parramatta (Outside CBD) Development Contributions Plan. The revised clauses include:

The exclusion of the application of Section 7.11 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment (EP&A) Act 1979 to the Development, but only to the extent that the Residential Gross Floor Area of the Development does not exceed 508,768 square metres.

The exclusion of the application of Section 7.12 of the Act to the Development, but only to the extent that the Residential Gross Floor Area of the Development does not exceed 508,768 square metres.

Sections 7.11 and 7.12 of the Act will apply to any residential floor area that exceeds 508,768 square metres

Minor clarification amendments have also been made to the Contributions Tables contained in Schedule 1 and Annexure B now refers to the Infrastructure Services Delivery Plan (ISDP) which is also attached to the Planning Agreement.

Previous Exhibition

To facilitate the change in uses, Council exhibited the Melrose Park North Planning Proposal, draft Site-Specific Development Control Plan (DCP) and Planning Agreement (PA now being re-exhibited).

  • The Planning Proposal provides detail of the proposed changes to the planning controls on the site such as land use zones, building heights and floor space ratios.
  • The draft DCP provides detailed planning and design guidelines such as floor space allocations across the site, open space requirements, building setbacks and stormwater management.
  • The Planning Agreement makes provision for the delivery of community infrastructure needed to support the proposed redevelopment and has a value of over $96 million.

A summary of the proposed changes to the planning controls within the planning proposal area.


Payce Site

38-42. 44 & 44A Wharf Road and 27-29 Hughes Avenue




IN1 General Industrial

R2 Low Density Residential

R4 High Density Residential

B2 Local Centre

RE1 Public Recreation

SP2 Infrastructure (Educational Establishment)



2-24 storeys

Floor Space Ratio (FSR)


1.81:1 (gross)

Ermington Gospel Trust Site

15-19 Hughes Avenue & 655 Victoria Road




IN1 General Industrial

SP1 Special Activities (Place of Public Worship)

R4 High Density Residential

RE1 Public Recreation


9m & 12m

8 storeys

Floor Space Ratio (FSR)



8 Wharf Road




IN1 General Industrial

R4 High Density Residential

RE1 Public Recreation



6-8 storeys

Floor Space Ratio (FSR)


1.85:1 (gross)



Deicrop & Sekisui will also be entering into a separate Planning Agreement with the NSW State Government to help fund and deliver State infrastructure items. This agreement is being coordinated by the NSW State Governmet and will be exhibited by them at a later date.

A summary of the local Planning Agreement with Payce is in the Exhibition Material section.



A full timeline of the planning process to date can be viewed below

  • July 2023

    The Local Planning Agreement between Sekisui & Deicorp and Parramatta Council was executed

  • June 2022

    NSW DPE finalised the Planning Proposal

  • May 2021

    Public exhibition concludes.

    Submissions to be reviewed by Council.

  • April 2021

    Public exhibition of the Amended Melrose Park North Planning Proposal, draft DCP and Payce Planning Agreement

  • March 2021

    Amended Melrose Park North Planning Proposal, draft DCP and Payce Planning Agreement endorsed by Council to proceed to public exhibition.

  • January 2020 - February 2021

    Drafting of Melrose Park Site-Specific DCP and Payce Planning Agreement negotiations undertaken

  • August 2019

    Revised Planning Proposal considered by Council and submitted to DPIE for endorsement.

  • May 2019

    Revised Planning Proposal submitted by Payce.

  • January 2019

    TMAP finalised

  • Late 2017

    Preparation of Transport Management and Accessibility Plan (TMAP) undertaken.

  • September 2017

    Gateway Determination received.

  • August 2017

    Melrose Park North Planning Proposal submitted for Gateway Determination by Department of Planning and Environment (DPIE).

  • July 2017

    Draft Melrose Park North Planning Proposal considered by Council at its meeting of 10 July 2017 where it is endorsed to proceed to the Department of Planning and Environment for Gateway determination.

  • June 2017

    The draft Melrose Park North Planning Proposal* reported to the Independent Hearing and Assessment Panel (IHAP) at its meeting of 20 June 2017and endorsed to proceed to Council.

  • May 2017

    A Planning Proposal is received for 15-19 Hughes Avenue and 655 Victoria Road, Ermington (Ermington Gospel Church).

  • March 2017

    A Planning Proposals received for 8 Wharf Road and 38-42, 44 & 44A Wharf Road, Melrose Park.

  • December 2016

    Exhibition outcomes reported to Council at its meeting of 12 December 2016 and the Northern Structure Plan is adopted.

  • September 2016

    Public exhibition of the Northern Structure Plan from 7 September to 5 October 2016.

  • August 2016

    Draft Northern Structure Plan reported and endorsed by Council for public exhibition.

  • July 2016

    Parramatta Employment Lands Strategy and Structure Plan Principles Diagram reported to Council and adopted at its meeting of 11 July. Council also endorses the 2-part Structure Plan approach at this meeting.

    Payce submitted revised Structure Plan in accordance with the requirement of the Structure Plan Principles Document.

  • June 2016

    The 2-part (Northern and Southern) Structure Plan approach evolves due to the large landholdings of Payce in the northern part of the precinct, fragmented ownership pattern in the southern precinct, and the significant progress Payce had made with its Structure Plan. Council officers develop the Melrose Park Structure Plan Principles document that details requirements for the precinct that both Structure Plans need to consider.

  • February 2016

    Draft Structure Plan and Planning Proposal submitted to Council by Payce MP DM for the northern part of Melrose Park. The Structure Plan applies to all land bound by Victoria Road, Wharf Road, Hope Street and Hughes Avenue. The Planning Proposal applies to 38-42, 44 & 44A Wharf Road.