Draft Site-specific Development Control Plan and draft Planning Agreement for land at 171 & 173, 181-185, 187 Parramatta Road, and 58, 60 & 64 Victoria Street, Granville


Public exhibition is now closed

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The City of Parramatta Council is exhibiting a draft site-specific Development Control Plan (DCP) and draft Planning Agreement for land at 171-173, 181-185, and 187 Parramatta Road and 58, 60, and 64 Victoria Street in Granville (“the site”), outlined in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1 – The site (draft DCP and draft Planning Agreement applies to the land outlined above)

No development nor changes to zoning or density is proposed. Changes to the zoning and density already occurred via a previous Planning Proposal, which was notified (gazetted) by the (then) Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) on 30 September 2019. The subject draft DCP will only provide site-specific planning controls to enable future development of the applicant's land, which will be subject to a separate Development Application (see separate headings below for more information). The draft Planning Agreement only applies to the applicant’s land and will secure the infrastructure needed to support future development of the site.

Council endorsed the draft DCP and the drafting of a draft Planning Agreement for public exhibition at the 22 July 2024 Council meeting. You can view the Council officer report (Item 13.5 from page 589) on Council’s website HERE. You can view the Council minutes of this meeting (Item 13.5 from page 12) on Council’s website HERE.

You are invited to review the draft DCP and draft Planning Agreement and provide your feedback.

The draft DCP and draft Planning Agreement, including a summary of submissions received during the exhibition period will be reported to Council following the conclusion of the public exhibition period, which is extended until COB Friday 24 January 2025.

Overview of the previously approved Planning Proposal

A Planning Proposal for the site, identified as Parramatta Local Environment Plan 2011 (Amendment No 39) (nsw.gov.au), was notified (gazetted) by the (then) Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) on 30 September 2019. The Planning Proposal has amended the Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2023 (PLEP 2023) applying the following changes to the block of land bounded by Parramatta Rd to the south, Albert St to the east, Victoria Rd to the north and the railway line to the west:

  • Rezoning the subject land from its previous zone being part B6 Enterprise Corridor and part R3 Medium Density Residential, to MU1 Mixed Use
  • Increasing the Floor Space Ratio control from part 2:1 and part 0.6:1 to 4.5:1 and additionally providing an option of 6:1 of which requires the provision of a new 3,200sqm public park
  • Applying a maximum height of 82m across the site
  • Introducing a Design Excellence Clause, requiring an architectural design competition with the winning scheme not receiving a height or Floor Space Ratio bonus
  • Including a satisfactory arrangements provision for contributions to designated State public infrastructure
  • Including a requirement that the provisions do not come into effect until a Development Control Plan is prepared for or applies to the land.

In order to achieve either 4.5:1 FSR, or 6:1 FSR (subject to provision of a 3,200 sqm park), lot amalgamation will need to occur given that this level of density cannot be reasonably accommodated on individual allotments by themselves. Based on Council officer testing, the 6:1 FSR scenario can only be achieved should the entire block of land be amalgamated.

The Planning Proposal was subject to its own assessment process and public exhibition period. Council endorsed the Planning Proposal to be forwarded to DPE for finalisation at the 29 October 2018 Council meeting. You can view the Council officer report (Item 13.5 from page 1057) on Council’s website HERE.

The PLEP 2023 provides the overarching, higher-order planning controls that dictate key planning requirements (such as zoning, FSR / density, and building height).The proposed draft DCP will provide complementary planning controls that will enact the development standards contained within the PLEP 2023.

Proposed Draft Development Control Plan

The draft DCP provides site-specific development controls relating to:

  • Desired Future Character – controls to ensure a built form outcome that is consistent with the desired future character
  • Built Form, Siting and Massing – controls to ensure the built form, siting and massing of future development is appropriate
  • Public Domain and Landscaping – controls to ensure that publicly accessible open space is suitably designed to provide high amenity
  • Activation of Streets and Public Places – controls to ensure that streets, footpaths, and publicly accessible spaces are suitably designed
  • Traffic and Transport - controls to ensure that traffic and transport into and out of the site is safely and efficiently designed.

In accordance with the site-specific provisions contained within PLEP 2023, 4.5:1 and 6:1 Floor Space Ratio scenarios might be achieved (the latter subject to the provision of a 3,200sqm public park). Recent Council officer modelling has established that to achieve the 6:1 scenario, all landholdings in the block would need to be amalgamated. The draft site-specific Development Control Plan will enable the applicant’s land to be developed independently of the remaining landholdings to achieve a 4.5:1 Floor Space Ratio.

The planning controls provided within the PLEP 2023 as outlined above cannot be utilised until such time that a DCP is prepared for the land. Subsequently, once a DCP is prepared for the land and supported by Council, this will allow the land to be developed subject to separate, future Development Applications.

The applicant has prepared their own draft DCP, including a commensurate draft Planning Agreement (a mechanism required to secure supporting infrastructure) that only applies to the applicant’s land and does not apply to the entire block.

The proposed draft DCP supports and complements the PLEP 2023 by providing more nuanced, site-specific controls to dictate the most appropriate built form outcome on the applicant’s land (such as setbacks, open space requirements, building design etc.).

Based upon Council officer testing, the applicant will only be able to achieve up to 4.5:1 FSR on their land given that a 3,200 sqm public park (required to enable 6:1 FSR) cannot be reasonably accommodated on their land, nor does the dedication of a public park form part of the draft Planning Agreement (a mechanism required to deliver a public park).

Proposed Draft Planning Agreement

Council is negotiating a Planning Agreement with the developer in accordance with Council’s Planning Agreements Policy (2018). The draft Planning Agreement that is on public exhibition is consistent with the endorsed Letter of Offer and is the mechanism to secure supporting infrastructure generated by future development of the site under the new controls. The draft Planning Agreement comprises:

  1. A monetary contribution of $1,500,000 for the provision of 2 x affordable rental housing units
  2. Provision and embellishment of a publicly accessible through-site link with access to be made available via an easement (valued at approximately $1,764,000)

The draft Planning Agreement does not exclude the application of development contributions pursuant to section 7.11 and 7.12 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, that will be levied for any future development application.

Public exhibition period now closed

The draft DCP and draft Planning Agreement for land at 171-173, 181-185, and 187 Parramatta Road and 58, 60, and 64 Victoria Street in Granville was on public exhibition from 9am on Friday 22 November until 5pm on Friday 24 January 2025.

A post-exhibition planning report, including a summary of submissions received during the exhibition period, will be reported to Council following the public exhibition period.