No, this proposal is for a draft site-specific Development Control Plan (DCP) to provide site-specific planning controls, and a draft Planning Agreement to secure needed infrastructure.
The Planning Proposal for the site that amended the Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2023 (PLEP 2023) to include new zoning, Floor Space Ratio and height controls was notified (gazetted) by the Department of Planning and Environment on 30 September 2019.
The PLEP 2023 is a higher-order planning instrument that provides the key development standards. The draft DCP that applies to the applicant’s land only provides complementary planning controls that will enact the provisions contained in the PLEP 2023 for the applicant’s land.
No, this proposal is for a draft DCP and draft Planning Agreement only.
The density, which includes the new zoning, Floor Space Ratio and height controls has already been set by the Planning Proposal, which was subject to its own assessment process and public exhibition period.
The Planning Proposal was notified (gazetted) by the Department of Planning and Environment on 30 September 2019.
No, this proposal is for a draft DCP and draft Planning Agreement applying to the applicant’s land only.
Future development of the applicant’s land will require a separate Development Application to be lodged that will be separately assessed against the planning controls.
A future Development Application is subject to a separate statutory planning process that will also include a separate public exhibition period.
A DCP must be adopted by Council to enact the Floor Space Ratio and height controls contained in the PLEP 2023.
The draft DCP provides controls for the applicant’s land only that align with the existing higher-order controls contained in the PLEP 2023 that will enable future mixed-use development (subject to a separate Development Application assessment process) on the applicant’s land.
The draft Planning Agreement will secure the provision of infrastructure needed to support future development of the applicant’s land.
The draft DCP and Planning Agreement only applies to the applicant’s land (outlined in Figure 1).
The draft DCP will enable the applicant’s land to be developed independently to achieve a 4.5:1 Floor Space Ratio.
Although the draft DCP only applies to the applicant’s land, it has been prepared to ensure that the remaining land in private ownership can still be developed independently to achieve up to 4.5:1 FSR subject to amalgamation. The controls that are shown to apply to the remaining landholdings are indicative only and are not included as part of this proposal.
Lot amalgamation is required to achieve the FSR prescribed under the PLEP as described above.
Remaining landholdings in private ownership will need to prepare their own site-specific DCP to then be adopted by Council to enact the controls contained in the PLEP 2023. Alternatively, the remaining landholders might lodge an application with Council so that the indicative planning controls contained within the subject draft DCP currently on exhibition are made to apply to their land, rather than having to prepare a completely new / separate DCP. In either scenario, means to deliver infrastructure needed to support any development proposal will need to be considered.
The draft DCP provides site-specific development controls applicable to the applicant’s land only relating to:
- Desired Future Character – controls to ensure a built form outcome that is consistent with the desired future character
- Built Form, Siting and Massing – controls to ensure the built form, siting and massing of future development is appropriate
- Public Domain and Landscaping – controls to ensure that publicly accessible open space is suitably designed to provide high amenity
- Activation of Streets and Public Places – controls to ensure that streets, footpaths, and publicly accessible spaces are suitably designed
- Traffic and Transport - controls to ensure that traffic and transport into and out of the site is safely and efficiently designed
A Planning Agreement is an agreement entered into by a planning authority (such as Council) and a developer that binds all parties and is legally enforceable.
Under the agreement a developer agrees to provide or fund:
- Public amenities or services
- Transport or other infrastructure
Contributions can be made through:
- Dedication of land
- Monetary contributions
- Construction of infrastructure
- Provision of materials for public benefit and/or use
Planning Agreements cannot be entered into unless public notice has been given and an explanatory note is made available for inspection for at least 28 days.
The draft Planning Agreement applies to the applicant’s land only and is based upon the 4.5:1 Floor Space Ratio scenario. The draft Planning Agreement proposes:
- $1,500,000 for the provision of 2 x affordable rental housing units (for Council to purchase anywhere in the LGA)
- Provision and embellishment of a publicly accessible through-site link with access to be made available via an easement (valued at approximately $1,764,000)
The draft Planning Agreement does not exclude the application of development contributions pursuant to section 7.11 and 7.12 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, that will be levied for any future development application.
Submissions must be received by 5pm on Friday 24 January 2025. Go to our online submission section to provide your feedback. Submissions can also be sent by email or post to:
City Planning
City of Parramatta Council
P.O. Box 32
Parramatta NSW 2124
Attention: William Jones – Major Projects & Precincts
Subject: RZ/10/2013 & VPA/6/2024 - Public Exhibition of 171 Parramatta Road, Granville
Please note, any personal information provided by you in your submission (such as your name and contact details) will be used by Council to properly consider your submission and communicate with you further about this matter if required. The provision of this information is voluntary. Any personal information collected can be accessed by you and may also be available to third parties in accordance with Council’s Access to Information Policy.
The public exhibition will take place from 9am on Friday 22 November to 5pm on Friday 24 January 2025. Following this, all submissions will be reviewed, and a post-exhibition planning report including a summary of the submissions received during the public exhibition period will be reported to Council.
Community feedback is critical to ensuring the proposal meets local needs. All submissions received during the exhibition will be carefully considered and may lead to adjustments to the proposal (being the DCP and Planning Agreement).
You can stay updated by following the project webpage for ongoing information about the project’s progress.