The new Buruwang Park Playground is now open!
Council has completed upgrading the Buruwang Park playground in Newington. The upgrade includes:
- New play structures with more challenging elements for children aged 7 -12 years
- The addition of a swing
- New softfall rubber
- Two new bench seats
- Additional shade tree planting
- An upgraded bin
- Installation of a bubbler
- Retention of the existing sandstone wall
- New pathways
- New sign
Check out the upgraded playground in the picture below!

Community engagement
Thank you to everyone that provided feedback during the community engagement period for the proposed upgrades to Buruwang Park Playground throughout early February 2021. We received 143 submissions via the online survey.
The Draft Concept Plan was very well received, with 75% of respondents indicating their support for the proposal. When it came to selecting the preferred playground design from the four options presented, it was clear that Option 3 was most favoured, with 59% of respondents selecting this option.
Community members were also provided an opportunity to give additional feedback on the proposed options and the playground more generally. Seventy-six respondents chose to provide additional comments.
A number of comments were made in relation to the appropriateness of the designs for older children (aged 7-12) and the need to include more equipment for children in this age bracket. Several comments also came through indicating that there was minimal support for some of the imaginative play elements initially proposed for younger children (e.g. the mushroom table picnic setting).
Council listened to this feedback and reviewed the designs in line with our endorsed Community Infrastructure Strategy which sets out what types of play equipment are suitable for different age groupings of children.
The different climbing elements presented in Option 3 were determined to be suitable for children aged 7-12, however to help make this playground option more appealing to children in this age bracket and address community feedback, Council worked closely with the playground equipment provider on an updated design.
The following changes to Option 3 were made:
- Removal of the mushroom picnic setting
- Adding in monkey bars to extend the challenge for 7-12-year-old children
- Adding in gym/chin-up bars to extend the challenge for 7-12-year-old children
- Please check out the revised design in the resources section of this page.
To learn more about how we engaged the community on this project, please check out the Frequently Asked Questions section.