Sportsground Strategy and Action Plan


Supporting our growing community to live active and healthy lives!

The Sportsground Strategy and Action Plan (SSAP) provides a detailed roadmap for the provision of Council's sportsground network to meet existing and future community needs.

The SSAP was developed to complement and deliver on the strategic directions in Council's Community Infrastructure Strategy (CIS), through provision of detailed recommendations that will be used by Council to increase the number of sporting fields available to the community, and prioritise and guide the equitable resourcing of sportsground upgrades across the City.

Implementing the recommendations will support our growing community to live active and healthy lives.

Action Plan

The SSAP incorporates an Action Plan to address focus areas which outline short, medium and long-term priorities over the next 20 years. The action plan will assist Council and its partners in advocating for and aligning resources to recommended projects.

This Action Plan is to be read in conjunction with the main Sportsground Strategy and Action Plan document.

Community engagement

Council sought community and stakeholder feedback on the Draft Sportsground Strategy and Action Plan between Wednesday 1 September and Wednesday 13 October 2021. Submissions are now closed.
