George Kendall Riverside Park reopens after $13.4M transformation

Project complete

We are excited to announce that the much-loved George Kendall Riverside Park has reopened after a $13.4 million restoration, part of the NSW Government’s Parks for People program. The major transformation includes 18 hectares of new parkland, improved facilities, and enhanced green spaces for everyone to enjoy.

George Kendall Riverside Park was selected for improvements under the Parks for People program and a plan developed through several stages of community engagement.

  • Your vision for improvements to George Kendall Riverside Park during the first phase of engagement in October and November 2020 helped to shape the draft concept design. The main priorities for the community were: a cool space that highlights the natural environment with play and fitness opportunities for individuals of all ages and accessibility levels. Read the What we've heard report for more information on the feedback received.
  • Throughout March 2021, community members were encouraged to provide feedback on the draft concept design.
  • In early 2022, the Department of Planning and Environment released the final design and fly-through video, which can be viewed below.

Key features and improvements:

  • Hilltop lookout
  • Learn-to-ride space for young children
  • Nature trails and recreational loops
  • New vehicle entry and upgraded car parking with pedestrian access
  • Constructed wetlands designed to filter and capture stormwater
  • Over four hectares of native plantings
  • Integration with the Parramatta River Cycleway
  • Upgraded off-leash dog area
  • Removal of leachate pipes and capping layer under wetlands


The restoration of George Kendall Riverside Park is now complete. New features such as the hilltop lookout, constructed wetlands, and expanded recreational facilities have transformed the park into a vibrant space for outdoor activities, nature exploration, and community gatherings.

For more information, please refer to the Department of Planning and Environment website. If you have any questions, please call the Department on 1300 420 596

Community engagement

Your input helped shape the final design, which now features a cool space with play and fitness opportunities for people of all ages and accessibility levels. We thank the community for their feedback throughout the engagement process.
