George Kendall Riverside Park reopens after $13.4M transformation

Frequently asked questions

Parks for People is an innovative parks program funded by the NSW Government. Locations for new and upgraded parks have been chosen across Greater Sydney, with completed parks to be handed back to local Councils.

We will design these new or upgraded parks by putting you at the heart of planning. There are no blueprints or existing designs. We want you to think big about what this park could mean for the future of George Kendall Riverside Park.

Your ideas and values will help Sydney’s best landscape architects and designers bring these parks to life.

George Kendall Riverside Park is located within the Parramatta area - Sydney’s second CBD and the fastest growing Local Government Area of New South Wales. It is well loved and well used by the community, attracting locals and visitors who relax, play, cycle, walk and enjoy the open spaces, mangroves and the river. It’s also an important habitat for threatened species and wildlife.

As the community continues to grow, and the park gets busier, upgrades will ensure the space can preserve its natural setting while supporting a diversity of uses and creating special experiences for all members of the community.

The George Kendall Riverside Park upgrade will focus on the eastern side of the park. The makeover aims to create more structure to the park’s different functions but maintain its unique vast open space. Plus, it will enable better access to the riverside bike path.

Knowing what you care about gives us a starting point to develop a park that feels welcoming, inclusive and right for the local community.

You can have your say about the park at three stages:

  1. Concept design: Your input will help designers understand community values, needs and wants for the future.
  2. Preliminary design: Initial design feedback will tell us what’s working for the community—and what needs changing.
  3. Final design: Outcomes from engagement and technical studies will make sure everyone is happy with the final design.

We are aiming for the following time frame:

  • Late-2020: Design development begins
  • Mid-2022: Construction begins
  • Late-2022: George Kendall Riverside Park upgrade is completed