Shannons Paddock Draft Landscape Masterplan

Masterplan adopted by Council

At the Council Meeting held on Monday 11 December 2023, the City of Parramatta adopted the Shannons Paddock Masterplan.

The approved masterplan recommends a new playground and amenities block, pedestrian paths with improved street access, separated cycleway, fitness loop with outdoor exercise equipment, park seating and sheltered spaces with tables and BBQs, and an open lawn for recreational activities.

Improvements for Finlaysons Creek which flows through the park are also envisaged, and include a wetland, water treatment and boardwalk as part of a larger project to naturalise the existing concrete channel.

To find out more regarding the playground upgrade, please see the relevant Participate Parramatta page here.

Public exhibition concluded

In early 2023, the City of Parramatta publicly exhibiteda draft Landscape Masterplan for Shannons Paddock, developed in consultation with the communities of Westmead and Wentworthville.

The draft masterplan aims to provide a well-considered and strategic approach for the ongoing improvement of the park; and to guide future developments which will greatly benefit the local community through opportunities to be active, to be outdoors, to connect with nature, and to engage with each other.

The plan includes:

  • Pedestrian paths and cycleway
  • Park lighting on main cycleway and pedestrian links
  • A new district level playground including public toilet (refer to detail in the masterplan)
  • Gathering and picnic spaces including tables, BBQs and shelters
  • Park seating
  • Bridges to improve accessibility and permeability
  • Entry wall on Darcy Road frontage
  • Outdoor exercise equipment/ fitness stations on marked circuit path
  • Open lawn and kick-about areas (the site is too small for a formal sports field)
  • Tree and native vegetation planting

Additional features:

The draft masterplan allows for the naturalisation of Finlaysons Creek including wetland and water treatment. This aspect will be subject to further design, environmental approvals and linking to Sydney Water's asset renewal program.

Proposed improvements to the intersection at Darcy Road and Briens Road to provide better connection between Shannons Paddock and Milsons Park, will also be subject to further design and traffic approvals

Explore the draft landscape masterplan

Community Engagement

The City of Parramatta began this exciting project to deliver a landscape masterplan that will guide future upgrades to the much-loved Shannons Paddock in 2022. The aim was to provide a framework which will respond to the rapidly evolving community, and the growing demand for open space in Westmead and the broader Parramatta LGA.

Community Engagement

In February 2022, Council conducted the first round of community consultation to help shape a vision for the future of this unique green space and establish some design principles. We heard the community wanted:

In June 2022, the draft concept plans for the landscape Masterplan and playground upgrade were presented and further feedback invited. Over 90 percent of participants were supportive for the concept plan.

We asked, "Do you support the draft Landscape Masterplan?"




Yes, to an extent






Comments welcomed all of the key design moves, with particular excitement expressed for the playground upgrade, the bridge linking both sides of the park/suburb, and the amenities proposed across the park. Further detail can be found in the Phase 2 Engagement Outcomes Report under Resources.

Below is the playground concept design shared in Stage 2 of community consultation.

Discover the Playground Concept

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