Planning Proposal for 53 - 61 Rawson Street Epping

Public exhibition - Now closed

Korean and Simplified Chinese summaries are available.

In late 2024, the City of Parramatta Council publicly exhibited a Planning Proposal and draft Development Control Plan (DCP) for land at 53-61 Rawson Street, Epping. The site is currently occupied by a Coles Supermarket and an office building.

This Planning Proposal seeks to amend the existing planning controls to facilitate a future two tower (36 and 33 storey) mixed-use redevelopment at 53-61 Rawson Street, Epping. The objective of the Planning Proposal is to increase the site’s total permissible commercial floorspace and associated building heights.

It is envisioned the future mixed used redevelopment would include a full line supermarket, ground floor retail (shops, cafes, restaurants), approximately 7,430 sqm of office space and 420 apartments. Any development would be subject to a future Development Application.

Specifically, the Planning Proposal seeks to amend the Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2023 (LEP) as follows:

Existing LEP Controls

Proposed LEP Controls

Maximum Building Height (HOB)


Part 122m, part 112m, part 22m

Maximum Floor Space Ratio (FSR)


Addition of 1.5:1 commercial only FSR (6:1 FSR overall)

Caption: (Above left) Aerial of the land at 53-61 Rawson Street (inside blue boundary) and (Above right) Artist's impression of redevelopment under the proposed amendments.

Caption: Masterplan for land at 53-61 Rawson Street, Epping.

Public exhibition - Now closed

Please refer to the Planning Proposal and draft Development Control Plan in Resources and Frequently Asked Questions.

Submissions were welcomed until 5:00pm on Monday 16 December 2024.

All submissions received will be considered before a final decision is made by Council.

Frequently asked questions

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