Construction at Acacia Park has been underway since March and was making good progress until construction at the site was paused due to the COVID-19 outbreak in line with health orders as they apply to the site.
The improved Acacia Park features barbeques, picnic tables, benches, new toilet facilities, a new walking track with blocks for strength training and resting, and an accessible platform with a unique view of the Parramatta CBD.
The upgrades are being funded by the NSW Government through its Precinct Support Scheme.
Construction is complete and the newly refurbished Sturt Park is now open to the community!
To determine how much you like the upgraded park, the City of Parramatta collaborated with Place Score to complete a 'Park Score Before and After Assessment'. This assessment was piloted at Sturt Park and included an online survey accessed through QR posters installed onsite.
Visitors to Sturt Park rated it 8.1/10 in 2022, which is a 3.8 point increase from the 4.3/10 rating achieved in 2021.
1. Proposed park frontage and entry sign upgrade
2. Proposed amphitheatre terracing & informal stage
3. Proposed expansion & upgrade to existing skatepark
4. Proposed recreational circuit path
5. Open space - common kickabout area
6. Proposed replacement of playground
7. Proposed family picnic settings
8. Proposed family picnic settings
9. Proposed family picnic settings
10. Proposed family picnic settings
11. Proposed amenities building
12. Multi-use court for informal recreation
13. Proposed area for new playground
14. New flying fox
15. Enhancement to creek edge and slope retainment
16. Proposed sports field posts for informal play
17. Existing trees to be retained
18. Proposed shade tree planting,