Carter Street Bridges and Cycleways


Carter Street has been identified on Council's Bike Plan as a critical walking and cycling link. It is currently the only east-west street in the precinct, and the only viable route to connect the Carter Street Precinct to the regional network comprised of the Haslams Creek paths and M4 Shared Path. This project has received funding from the NSW Government.

Due to trucks and large vehicles using Carter Street, there is insufficient width to allow parking to be retained on both sides. Approximately 85 spaces are proposed to be removed on the southern side. The majority of the new streets, however, being delivered in the Precinct will have on street parking on both sides, and this will deliver approximately 500 new spaces that will more than offset any temporary loss.

The design for this project is funded by the NSW Government's Precinct Support Scheme.

A bike path is proposed for the southern side of Carter Street between Hill Road and Birnie Avenue.

The proposed bike path will be located between the travel lane and the footpath and follows national Austroads guidelines.

An example in City of Parramatta is at Queens Road in Westmead.

There is a small portion of the community who are comfortable riding with vehicles no matter how busy the street. Internationally it has been identified, however, that two-thirds of the community are "interested but concerned" about cycling, with safety identified as a key factor.

Council's endorsed Bike Plan 2017 sets a vision for cycling to be safe, and perceived as a safe and attractive option for all members of the community, for those aged 8 through to 80.

Similarly, pedestrians move at different speeds to cyclists and feel more comfortable when given their own exclusive space. Therefore, on busy Carter Street it is proposed to physically separate cyclists from vehicles, and also pedestrians from cyclists where space allows.

TfNSW is currently delivering an upgrade of Hill Road that will change how buses access Carter Street. Should a bus stop be required on the southern side, provision has been made for one at the eastern end near Birnie Avenue.