A review of environmental factors is a document that is prepared to demonstrate due diligence and comply with the requirements of the EP&A Act (1979). Typically, it applies to activities for which development consent is not required under the Act. Instead, the proponent (in this case City of Parramatta) must clearly demonstrate it has identified all environmental impacts of the proposal and mitigation measures to minimise impacts. The REF needs to be appropriate to the nature and scale of the proposal and often draws on specialist studies to reach a conclusion on nature and extent of impacts and mitigations.
For the preparation of this REF, an independent planner was commissioned to prepare it. The planner integrated the advice and findings of the lighting designers, electrical engineers and civil and structural engineers who prepared the design for the works. This was supplemented by reports commissioned for the project from heritage specialists, archaeologists, geotechnical engineers and ecologists.
The City of Parramatta is committed to implementing the mitigations and safeguards identified in the REF.