Local Centres Review 2020/21

Frequently Asked Questions

The Better Neighbourhood Program (BNP) is a long-running and successful Council program that focuses on the capital upgrades of local centres outside of the Parramatta CBD. The BNP commenced in 1999 and delivers improvements to centres with the goal of enhancing safety, vitality and economic prosperity.

Between 2011 and 2019, Council invested $11,761,333 in BNP projects, which consisted of:

  • Capital upgrades to local, neighbourhood and town centres,
  • Connecting Centres projects to improve access to local centres and neighbourhoods, and
  • Complementary public domain improvements.

Areas are prioritised for upgrade based on a number of factors, including the condition of the centre, its vibrancy, and its connectivity. The Community Voice survey is also a vital component that directly contributes to informing which centres should be prioritised for upgrade in the next BNP cycle – the 2021/22 and 2022/23 financial years.

The BNP is run over a two year cycle. Projects are typically broken down into a ‘design’ and ‘construction’ phase, where funds are allocated in the first year for the completion of community consultation and the concept design for the project. This is followed by the development of detailed design documentation and construction processes taking place in the second year of the program.

Place Services audits Council’s local and neighbourhood centres every two years due to the delivery timeframe required for projects being completed as part of Council’s Better Neighbourhood Program (BNP).

The Community Voice Survey (above) alongside other quantitative assessments are used to help determine where funding for future works should be prioritised. This ensures Council continues to deliver projects in line with community expectation and need.

Ultimately, projects included for upgrade as part of the BNP strive to enhance the liveability, functionality and vibrancy of the Place. Council uses survey insights to develop a baseline that allows for changes in the perception, use and value of a place to be measured over time as projects are completed.

To be included for consideration, Centres must be situated within a Business Zone in the City of Parramatta Local Government Area (LGA). ‘Business zones’ refer to those zones which support a range of business, commercial and residential functions and Council’s 50 local and neighbourhood Centres each fall into one of the following zonings:

  • Zone B1 Neighbourhood Centre:
    • Provides a range of small-scale retail, business and community uses that serve the needs of people who live or work in the surrounding neighbourhood, or
  • Zone B2 Local Centre:
    • Provides a range of retail, business, entertainment and community uses that serve the needs of people who live in, work in and visit the local area.
    • Encourages employment opportunities in accessible locations.
    • Maximises public transport patronage and encourage walking and cycling.
    • Encourages the construction of mixed use buildings that integrate suitable commercial, residential and other developments and that provide active ground level uses.

In 2019/20 and 2020/21, more than $3.2M has been allocated to deliver upgrades, including at the following locations:

Projects where work commenced in 2019/20

  • Bartlett Street Shops, Ermington
  • Brodie Street Shops, Rydalmere
  • Bungaree Road Shops, Toongabbie
  • Carlingford Station Centre
  • Epping Town Centre, Epping
  • Mobbs Lane Shops, Carlingford
  • Oatlands Village, Oatlands
  • Picasso Shops, Toongabbie
  • Toongabbie Shops, Toongabbie
  • Waratah Shopping Centre, Telopea
  • Woodstock Road Shops, Carlingford
  • Yates Avenue Shops, Dundas.
  • Projects where work commenced in 2020/21
  • Dundas Station Centre, Dundas
  • Ermington Shopping Town, Rosehill
  • Lomond Cres Shops, Winston Hills
  • Telopea Station Centre.

For more information about projects being funded under the BNP, click on the link here:
