We can all benefit from the opportunities our City offers.
Our strategies to achieve this are:
- Invest in services and facilities for our growing community
- Advocate for affordable and diverse housing choices
- Support people to live active and healthy lives
- Ensure everyone has access to education and learning opportunities
- Empower communities to be strong and resilient by building individual and community capability
- Engage and consult the community in decision-making
- Deliver effective, responsible and ethical leadership and decision-making, reflective of community needs and aspirations.
We can all get to where we want to go.
Our strategies to achieve this are:
- Design our City so that it is usable by people of all ages and abilities
- Improve public transport to and from Parramatta CBD, our local centres, neighbourhoods and the greater Sydney region
- Make our City more enjoyable and safe for walking and cycling
- Provide and upgrade roads and improve safety for all road users
- Manage traffic congestion and access to parking.
We care for and enjoy our environment.
Our strategies to achieve this are:
- Protect and enhance our natural environment
- Improve our River and waterways
- Keep our City clean
- Provide green spaces for recreation, relaxation and enjoyment
- Prepare for and lessen the impacts of extreme weather events
- Promote energy and water efficiency, renewable energy sources, and reduced emissions and waste.
We celebrate culture and diversity – past, present and future.
Our strategies to achieve this are:
- Acknowledge the Dharug peoples as the traditional custodians of this land and make Parramatta a leading City of Reconciliation
- Promote the growth or arts and culture and champion the role that culture plays in city-building
- Respect, protect and celebrate our shared living histories of Parramatta and embrace our heritage
- Recognise that Parramatta has always been a gathering place and our diversity is our strength.
We benefit from having a thriving CBD and local centres.
Our strategies to achieve this are:
- Accelerate local jobs growth and support people in finding employment
- Attract public and private investment to our City and support the growth and prosperity of local businesses
- Plan and deliver a vibrant, attractive and safe CBD and local centres
- Ensure major centres have a thriving day and night time economy.
We collaborate and champion new ideas to create a better future.
Our strategies to achieve this are:
- Engage in strategic planning and implement innovative solutions to manage the growth of our City
- Support collaboration and partnerships to deliver key outcomes for our City
- Embrace technology, creativity and innovation to solve complex problems and improve our City
- Attract leading research, education and training facilities to Parramatta
- Manage the City’s assets and financial resources in a responsible manner and provide the best possible services for the community.
Four of Council's key strategic documents are now due for a refresh, and we need your help to make it happen.
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