This is the current contributions map.
This is the new contributions map within the proposal on exhibition.
Development contributions plans enable Councils to charge fees on new development to help fund the delivery of local infrastructure which will be required because of additional demand coming from more residents, workers, and visitors. Developers pay these fees as a condition of consent on a Development Application or Complying Development Certificate. The contributions plan sets out the types of development that would be charged a contribution.
The amendment will come into effect following Council endorsement and then Ministerial approval of the increased rates and amendment to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation. Separate notice of the Plan’s commencement will be issued before it comes into effect.
The amendment is necessary because of recent changes to planning controls brought in by the State Government to land in the Church Street North Precinct. An additional 1,800 dwellings are anticipated under the new controls.
The land affected by this amendment is referred to as the Church Street North Precinct, which is land within the Parramatta City Centre generally north of the Parramatta River.
The Church Street North Precinct will be experiencing growth as a result of the new controls, but the amount of growth is approximately 20% lower than originally planned under the Parramatta CBD Planning Proposal. The proposed contributions percentage rates reflect the proportional reduction in development potential within the Church Street North Precinct.