Immediate short-term:
City of Parramatta sought advice from its environmental consultants, the NSW Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and NSW Health, and will continue to consult with these agencies as treatment options are considered and implemented.
Consultants’ reports confirmed that Dan Mahoney Reserve is safe for use provided that adequate grass coverage or a physical barrier between the landfill and the surface of the reserve (a capping layer) is maintained.
City of Parramatta staff and contractors are undertaking regular inspections to monitor the condition of Dan Mahoney Reserve.
Paved or concrete areas are installed as required to prevent health risks due to soil disturbance.
Installing additional fencing to allow ‘resting’ sections of Dan Mahoney Reserve will also be considered. Introducing ‘open for play’ and ‘grass resting’ sections will ensure dogs and their human companions will be able to enjoy a safe off-leash area, while grass coverage is monitored and maintained.
City of Parramatta will continue to provide the community with information on its management plan for Dan Mahoney Reserve and will update on further works on this page:
Council will continue to seek advice from specialists to secure the most appropriate long-term treatment for the site and will continue to work in consultation with the NSW Asbestos Coordination Authorities group (NACC) including the EPA, SafeWork NSW and NSW Health to ensure Dan Mahoney Reserve remains safe.
Future long-term:
City of Parramatta Council took immediate action to improve capping layers, and continues to seek advice from specialists to secure the most appropriate permanent treatment of the site. Early design for a new cap for the landfill that exists beneath Dan Mahoney Reserve has begun.
Remediation provides Council with an opportunity to plan for the future use of Dan Mahoney Reserve. The community is being asked to provide feedback on a proposal to re-design and upgrade the park.
City of Parramatta will continue to monitor the site to guard against buried materials becoming exposed.