Brodie Street Upgrade

Frequently Asked Questions

Changes made from the first concept plan to this concept plan:

  • The original concept plan proposed to narrow the vehicle carriage way to 3.2m, this concept plan maintains the carriage way width of 3.5m
  • The original plan proposed to narrow the parking lane to 2.3m, this concept plan proposes a parking lane of 2.4m
  • Further investigations determined that the road could not be resurfaced
  • Please note that any street furniture that is added will be set back a minimum 800mm – 1000mm from the kerb
  • The existing pedestrian crossing does not currently meet Australian standards (there must be no parking for 20m before a pedestrian crossing, or 10m after a pedestrian crossing). As a result we must install ‘no parking’ signs for 10m immediately after the pedestrian crossing.
  • As a result of your feedback we will be increasing the number of parking rangers patrolling the Brodie Street, Rydalmere precinct.
  • Pedestrian walk way will be between 3000mm – 3500mm

These changes to the designs have been informed by further investigation, policy and community feedback.

Who do I contact for more information?

For more information about this project please contact the Place Services Team on (02) 9806 5050 or email

We anticipate construction will begin early in 2021. Businesses and residents will be consulted throughout the design processes and notified of all dates for construction.

The contracted construction company will work with businesses to ensure access to their premises is maintained throughout the duration of the works.

To ensure that the current pedestrian crossing meets Australian Road standards there will need to be no stopping restrictions both before and after the crossing. This may reduce in some parking loss, but this will be detailed as the design progresses.

The Better Neighbourhood Program (BNP) is a long-running and successful Council program that focuses on the capital upgrades of local centres outside of the Parramatta CBD. The BNP commenced in 1999 and delivers improvements to centres with the goal of enhancing safety, vitality and economic prosperity.


Between 2011 and 2019, Council invested $11,761,333 in BNP projects, which consist primarily of:

  1. Capital upgrades to local, town and neighbourhood centres. Examples of projects delivered include streetscape upgrades at Ermington, Toongabbie, Carlingford, Mobbs Lane and Tintern Avenue shops.
  2. Connecting Centres projects to improve access to local centres and neighbourhoods; and
  3. Complementary public domain improvements.


Areas are prioritised for upgrade based on a number of factors, including the condition of the centre, its vibrancy, and its connectivity. The community voice also plays an important role and nearly 400 local residents provided feedback to prioritise projects in 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Every two years City of Parramatta’s Place Services team audit the 45 centres on the local government area and score them based on asset condition, accessibility, shade cover, potential for outdoor dining, vacancy rates etc. The centres that are determined to be ‘most in need’ at that point in time are prioritised for funding.